![]() Robert
Private classes. |
Therapeutic Essential Oil Massages |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To
order Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
The cover of the 1966 Polaris features two seals. The FHS seal shows the tower, an open book with a foot with wings, an atom and the year 1850, the words Freeport H S, and a Pretzel.
The seal of the city of Freeport features the words City of Freeport, Ill., Incorporated 14th Feb. 1855, Praesto Et Persto (literally, "I Undertake and I Persevere" or "To Stand Out and to Stand Firm"), and drawings of a star, a steam locomotive, a figure with a tool, and a crest with four more symbols: a caduseus, bow & arrow, a plow, and another symbol which I cannot make out.
The Class of 1966
(I've included some people who were with our class at some point in high school, but who may not have graduated with us. Underlined names are links to more information, including, unfortunately, memorials.)
Linda Ackerman, Linda Alexander, Mary Allen, Pamela Anderson, Michael Arola,
Martha Babcock, Margaret Backus, Patrick Baker, Suzanne Balthazor, Michael Banks, Judith Barkau, Vicki Barrett, Constance Basse, David Bast, James Becker, Pamela Becker, Mary Beckman, Janice Beckmire, Roger Beldt, John Bell, Galen Bertram, Gary Besley, Janice Best, Robert Bike, Cathy Bishop, Lynn Blust, Georgia Bokemeier, Lynn Bokemeier, Lynn Bolender, Peggy Bolles, Michael Bollinger, Gary Bollon, Jerry Allen Bons, Lawrence Bordner, Vicki Bradford, Edwin Bradley, Paul Brauer, Ruth Brick, Michael Brock, Karen Brokhausen, Dawn Brown, Keith Brown, Nancy Brown, Theresa Brown, Cheryl Brubaker, Glada Brubaker, Deborah Bruce, Lloyd Brumfield, Donald Bryan, Linda Bucher, William Burchell, Stephen Burd, Kimberlee Burdick, Sandra Burris, Jeanie Buss, Pamela Buss, Phyllis Byers,
Richard Campbell, Anthony Cannova, Marcia Carpenter, Bill Carroll, Christine Carter, George Caruthers Jr., Thomas Cary, David Chapin, Crystal Cheeseman, David Christensen, Vicki Christian, Arnold Clark, Onalee Clark, Craig Cline, Arlen Colberg, Linda Cole, Patricia Collins, Patsy Cook, Douglas Coomber, John Coon, Sherry Cordes, Sylvia Cosgrove, Loreli Covert, Jane Craft, David Credicott, Randy Criddle, Linda Cummings, Cynthia Cummins, Craig Cuplin, Richard Cuplin, James Cutler,
Gloria Dahl, James Dailey, Sharon Daley, Carol Dame, Marybeth Davis, Rodney Davis, Suzanne Davis, Richard Deemer, Barbara Delong, Frank Demichele, Douglas Devidal, Sharon Devon, William Dickens, Paula Dickman, Steve Diehl, Morayne Dir, Diane Dixon, James Dixon, Cynthia Dollarhide, Ray Dominguez, Diana Dooyen, Linda Downing, Michelle Drake, Gary Dubey, Charlene Duitsman,
Eade, John Edison, Louise Eichmeier,
Eddie Ellsworth, Linda Endress, Gary Engbert, Linda
Lou Erving, Cynthia Erwin, Margaret Euler,
Jack Faessler, Patricia Fambro, Larry Fargher, Dennis Farrar, Manette Fine, Richard Florell, Wendy Fluegel, Jeffrey Forsythe, Randall Frankenfield, Robert Frankenfield, Donald Franz, Linda Frende, Peter Frey, Michael Fryer, Ronald Fusco,
Betty Gammon, Lee Garner, Eugene Gassman, Robert Gassman, Steven Gaulrapp, Warren Geisler, Barbara Gempler, Donald Gennusa, Sandra Gerloff, Barry Gillespie, Diantha Gimple, James Gitz, Marilyn Gitz, Gary Glidden, Judith Gonder, Jeannine Gordon, Steven Gorham, Marcia Gorman, Linda Grabow, Robert Grabow, Richard Graff, Ronald Green, Sue Green, David Greer, Dennis Greier, Diane Griffin, John Griffin, Mary Ann Griffo, Lawrence Griswold, Pamela Groves, Pamela Guenther, Figen Gurdol, Charles Gutchins,
Pamela Haas, Linda Hahn, Pamela Haight, David Hainke, Ronald Hainke, Nancy Halstead, Terry Hannah, Sharon Hanson, Ronald Harbers, Elizabeth Hardinger, Marta Hargett, Dennis Harnish, Michael Harnish, Pamela Harnish, Holly Hart, Jonathyn (Mike) Hartman, Michael Harvey, Randall Hawley, John Hayes, Cheryll Heck, Pamela Heck, Robert Heck, Kathleen Heidenreich, David Heinrich, Gail Heitter, Terry Heitter, Regan Heitz, Linda Hendrickson, William Henning, Lynn Henry, Sally Herbig, Terry Herbig, Barbara Hewins, Michael Hilden, John Hill, Ardell Hilton, Earl Holden, Zena Holloway, John Holm, James Holt, Bruce Holtan, Nancy Homan, Mark Hornbogen, James Hunt, Charles Hutchins, Terry Hutmacher,
Cathy Ifert, Sherry Ingram, Daniel Irwin,
Richard Jacobs, Laura Jaeger, Jeanne Jeffrey, David Jenkins, Jerry Jenner, Joyce Jewell, Betty Johnson, Caroline Johnson, Danny Johnson, Deborah Johnson, Edith Johnson, Linda Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Stanley Johnson, Suzanne Johnson, Walter Johnson, Cynthia Jones, Michael Jones, Sarah Jones,
Gregory Kaiser, Larry Kaiser, Craig Kaney, Victoria Karstedt, Donald Keep, Dennis Keith, Joseph Kent, Jean Kerchner, David Kerr, Rita Kirchberg, Thomas Kirchberg, Jon Kirkpatrick, Clifford Kleindl, Kathryn Kling, Eugene Klinger, Rebecca Kloepping, Dennis Koehn, Sheldon Koester, Gordon Kohn, Susan Korf, Thomas Kortemeier, Richard Kraft, Linda Krull, Jeff Kryder, Sue Kuntz, Jeannine Kuntzelman,
Francine Laible, Karl Lamb, Ann Laurence, Michael Lausch, Cheryl Lawson, Gary Lawson, George Lazarus, Linda Leahy, Marsha Lebaron, Carol Leemhuis, Linda Lehman, Scott Leininger, Sherry Lender, James Leverington, Earl Lieske, Julia Lincoln, Gary Long, Linda Long, Jenean Lorenz, Michael Lovelace, Marsha Ludolph, Linda Lumby,
Mary Lou Macklin, Janet Madison, Natalie Maines, Susan Mandrgoc, Michael Mansheim, James Manske, Gary Manthei, Randall Manus, Wayne Marassa, William Markwardt, David Marsh, Julie Mast, Jo Ann Mattison, Douglas Maurer, Teresa Maurer, Ronald McAllister, Miriam McDonald, Angela McIlvanie, John McKinney, Elmer McLain, Ronald McWilliams, Karla Meier, Barbara Mellen, Nancy Memmer, Jim Mertz, Kristi Messing, Mary Mettelka, Doris Meyers, John Meyers, Linda Meyers, Patricia Meyers, Thomas Migliore, Joseph Miller, Robert Miller, Diana Mims, Gerry Minear, Michael Monigold, Darrel Moore, Lorae Moore, Kenneth Mordick, Larry Morhardt, Verna Moriarty, Linda Moritz, Terry Moss, Karen Murray, Marcia Myers,
Nampel, Jeff Nash, Thomas Naylor, Diana Nelson, Nancy Nesemeier, Alan
Nettles, Larry Nevenhoven, Christine Nichols, Robert Nicodemus, Patricia
Norman, Richard Nyborg,
Daniel Olson, Helen O'Neal, Patsy Ortmeier, Robert Ostendorf, Craig Otte, Marchia Otto,
Jami Parker, Donna Paul, Annie Pearson, Sharon Peck, Janis Perry, Gary Peters, Vicky Peterson, Sylvia Pfeiffer, Darius Picking, Dennis Piefer, Vicki Pizzolato, John Place, Deborah Plantan, Phyllis Pleasant, Kathie Poe, Marta Pontual, Diana Powell, Charles Pulfrey,
Rafferty, James Rawson, Deborah Reed, Frank Reed, Lynnellen Reed, Raymond
Reed, Janice Reeves, Barbara Reimers, Barbara Reuber, Judi Rexilius,
Mary Reynolds, Keith Rice, Kenneth Rice, Sheldon Rinehart,
Linda Roach, Michael Robertson, Sally Roemer, Lana Roen, Melanie
Roenneburg, Carol Rohr, Richard Roodhouse, Cathy Rosenberger, Jan
Ross, Larry Ruckman, Lynn Rudy,
Pamela Ruthe, Rebecca Ruthe,
Teresa Sabin, Gary Sager, Larry Salter, Mary Salter, Vicki Sarles, Thomas Sanders, Gary Scheider, Peggy Scheider, Dennis Schmidt, Joan Schmidt, Kathleen Schmidt, Kenneth Schmidt, Gerald Schneiderman, Karen Schnitzler, Kenneth Schnitzler, Cherie Schofield, Valentina Schriver, Larry Schroeder, Elizabeth Schubert, Vicki Schulthess, Kathy Schultz, Stephen Schwendiman, Dennis Scofield, Jerry Scovel, Curtis Scudder, Mary Scudder, Dolf Seeds, Larry Seidemann, Delores Senn, Michael Shain, Linda Sheetz, Pamela Shores, Kathy Schultz, Richard Sielaff, Robert Sieveking, Allan Sikes, Darlene Smith, Katie Smith, Linda Marie Smith, Wayne Smith, Karen Snyder, Carolyn Soldati, Charles Sorn, Marsha Spangler, Darla Springer, Timothy St. Andrews, James Staas, Anita Stearns, Robert Stebbins, Steven Steenrod, Lorna Steffen, Sharyn Steinhagen, James Stingley, Kenneth Stingley, Craig Stocker, Michael Stodden, Rory Stoner, William Strawn, Bruce Strayer, Nancy Stuart, James Sturtevant, Roger Swank, Bruce Swartz,
Gregory Taylor, Harry Taylor Jr., Herbert Taylor, Sally Thoman, Julie Thomasson, Sandra Thompson, Alan Thruman, Frederick Thruman, Daniel Tretter, Clarence Triplett, George Trout III, Terry Troxel, Lillian Truckenmiller, Priscilla Tucker, Gregory Turner,
Donald Van Matre, Patricia Van Matre,
Ellen Waggoner, Holly Wahler, Paula Wallock, Sally Wallock, Eddie Washington, Fred Washington, Sigrid Waterhouse, Orania Watter, Wayne Watz, Thomas Weaver, Anne Weckerly, Ronald Weckerly, William Wegner, Cynthia Wehrenberg, Karla Weier, Jack Welty Jr., James Welty, Janet Wiegmann, Kathleen Wiemers, Gale Wilhelms, Arnix Williamson, John Wilson, Judith Winters, Linda Wise, Marcia Wiskochil, Becky Witt, Frances Witte, Susan Witte, John Wolfe, Ted Wolfe, Kay Woods,
Mark Zinser.
The information in this section is derived from obituaries, on-line sources, personal recollections and other sources. The information is not guaranteed to be accurate. If you have obituaries, photos, dates of death and marriages, spouses names and children, or information about our classmates and what they did for a living, please forward the info to me. Link to spreadsheet of classmate deaths here.
Patrick Baker died January 23, 2017, after a lengthy illness.
They had five children, Greg, Brian, Matt, Jon and Amanda, and eight grandchildren. Pat worked for the Postal Service in St. Paul, Minnesota, and also worked as a sales rep for many years. Pat was just 68 years old. |
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David C. Bast died on June 22, 2022, of congestive heart failure.
David graduated from George Williams College in 1971. They had three sons, Robert, Bryan and Justin. They also had an infant daughter who died shortly after birth. David was very active with the YMCA, as a camp councelor, and other positions at numerous camps. He was a Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of the Heritage YMCA Group. He also was active with the North American Fellowship of YMCA Retirees. They lived in Warrenville, Illinois. David was 74 years old. |
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James A. Becker died May 2, 2017, of cancer.
He was an area manager for J.C. Penney and Target. Jim was survived by two sons, Jeff and Brian, and two grandchildren. Jim Becker was 70 years old. |
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Pamela Corinne Becker died January 11, 2003 at age 54 after a long illness.
They lived in Freeport. Pam Slaght is buried at Grandview Cemetery. |
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He graduated from the University of Florida and Emory University School of Dentistry. He was an accomplished dentist and pharmacist. For most of his life, Roger was a commercial pilot for Northwest Airlines and Delta Airlines. He started flying for Northwest on February 6, 1978. Roger and his family lived in Destin, Florida. He was survived by his wife of 34 years, Gisele, daughter Lindsey, and son Bret. Roger was 64 years old. |
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He was survived by a son, John, and a daughter, Kyong. John "Booga" Bell was 67 years old. |
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Gary Bollon died on January 5, 1979, presumably of cancer, in Salt Lake City, Utah. Gary appeared in the Polaris in our Junior year. Gary Lee Bollon married Vickie Lynn Leatherwood. Gary and Vickie had three children, Joshua, Michael and Kelly. Gary was 31 years old. |
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Larry Bordner died November 17, 2019, at the Oregon Veterans Home in The Dalles, Oregon, from complications from diabetes.
Lawrence Merrill Bordner III served in the Air Force as a Staff Sergeant during Vietnam. My wife and I visited Larry at the Oregon Veterans Home a couple of years before he died. He was buried on November 26, 2019, in the Willamette National Cemetery in Portland, Oregon, Section 8, Site 896. Larry was 71 years old. |
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Mike worked at Burgess Battery and then at Honeywell as a tool and dye maker for more than 40 years. Mike married B. Kaye Maize on December 23, 1995. He is survived by his wife and his step children. Mike's body was cremated. Mike was 69 years old. |
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Linda L. Bucher died on June 17, 2013, after a long battle with cancer. Linda was a Nurses Aide and managed an antique business, Blahnik Place.
She had a special talent of gauze wrapping certain wine bottles, and did that for many years for the winery. Linda married Orville Moreau on December 7, 1984. He preceded her in death. She was survived by two sons, George Nath and David Nath, three sisters and three brothers. Linda Moreau was 66 years old. |
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Billy Joe Burchell lived in Freeport in 1991, but was listed as deceased in our 40th reunion booklet in 2006. He worked for Micro Switch, and later Tech Pacific Scientific in Rockford. In 1970 he married Margaret Jean Winters, Class of 1969. They divorced in 1977. I have found no record of his death online. |
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Kimberlee A. Burdick died June 20, 2004, in Rockford, of diabetes. She was 56. Kim attended Southern Illinois University and Columbia College at Highland Community College studying psychology. Kim worked for GTE Telenet as an instructor, and was an avid writer. She had eight published poems. Kim lived in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania, in 1991. Kim was survived by her mother and three sisters. Her body was cremated. |
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Jeannie married Michael Hiveley in Freeport. They resided in North Port, Florida. She was survived by her husband, sons Troy and Chad, a sister and two granddaughters. Jeannie Hiveley was 68 years old. She died just 16 days short of her 69th birthday. Her cousin Pam died just two months before her. |
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A graduate of Northern Illinois University, Pam married Ernest H. Benecke on January 23, 1973. Ernie died May 18, 2011. Pam worked as a tech at the Walmart Pharmacy in Kewanee for 20 years, and later at a Publix grocery store in Florida. Pam and Ernie had three children, Tiffany, Shanna and Matt, and were also survived by two grandchildren, Kara and Nolan. Pam was cremated, and per her wishes, no memorial service was held. Pam was just 68 years old. |
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Richard Campbell died January 11, 1998. He was 50 years old. He lived in Oakland, California for two years, then lived in Monroe, Wisconsin.
Richard was survived by his wife, Sharon, and children Gidget and Jason. Richard is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Monroe. |
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Anthony C. Cannova died July 4, 2012 of cancer. He retired from Honeywell in 2006 as a senior buyer.
On October 1, 2010, he played in the sold-out Nomadds Reunion Concert, the first time they had played together since 1965! He was survived by his wife, Tina, and daughters Maria and Christina. He is buried in Oakland Cemetery. Tony was 64 years old. |
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Marcia K. Carpenter died October 24, 2013, in her home in Davis, Illinois. Her married name was Vondra. She was 65 years old. Marcia was retired from Union Savings Bank in Freeport. She enjoyed gardening, hiking, riding motorcycles, going to the beach, and spending time with her grandchildren. She lived for a while in Montgomery, Alabama.
Marcia Vondra touched many hearts with her beautiful spirit. She is buried at Davis Cemetery with a nice bench marking her grave. |
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Bill Carroll and his wife Cindy Deuth Carroll, Class of 1964, were killed in a motorcycle accident north of Monroe, Wisconsin, on July 29, 2019. The photo at left was taken at our 45th reunion in 2011. Bill and Cindy got married on March 28, 1985. Combined, they had three daughters and two sons.
Bill played in various bands. He sang, and played guitar, sax and drums. He was also an artist, drawing and painting. He was a 1984 graduate of Highland Community College.
Cindy graduated from Northern Illinois University, then worked for Economy Insurance and worked with Bill at the Illinois Department of Employment Security. She caned chairs and made stained glass creations. Gene William "Bill" Carroll was 71 years old; Cindy was 72. |
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Christine Carter died July 14, 1984, of cancer.
Chris Crouse was survived by her husband and two daughters, Jessica and Jennifer, who was an outstanding basketball player for the Pretzels, the University of North Dakota, and several professional basketball teams around the world. Chris and Gerald are buried at Oakland Cemetery. Chris was just 36 years old. |
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Jon Coon died August 6, 1976, at his home in Rockford after a brief illness.
Jon is buried in Chapel Hill Cemetery. John Michael Coon was 30 years old. |
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Cynthia Cummins died on April 17, 1999 on her 51st birthday.
Robert and Cynthia Lestikow were survived by a son, Timothy. Cynthia and Robert are buried at Oakland Cemetery. |
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He married Betty Ann Hasken on December 21, 1968, at St. Joseph's Catholic Church in Freeport. Frank "Butch" DeMichele worked for the Freeport Water Department for 30 years, and after retiring, worked an additional 10 years in security at FHN. He then became the Facilities Manager at Winter Associates. He is survived by Betty, three children, 11 grandchildren, and some great-grandchildren. Frank was 72 years old. |
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Jim Dixon died August 28, 2024, of cancer
After the Air Force, Jim returned to Freeport and began his career in insurance at Crum & Forster, where he met Sandy Shianna. They married on January 2, 1971. Jim and Sandy had two sons, Brian and Scott. Jim earned a degree from Highland CC. Jim and Sandy moved to New Jersey, Texas, and finally to Georgia. In 1988 Jim founded RSUI, a successful insurance agency. Jim was 76 years old. |
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Donald Jan Doelker Jr. died July 30, 2004, in New York.
He graduated in 1967. Jan was survived by his sister Deborah Hope Doelker. He is buried in Westview Cemetery, Blacksburg, Virginia. Jan Doelker was 56 years old. |
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Lee DySard died unexpectedly on April 22, 2024, at Gulf Coast Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida, after a severe brain hemorrhage and stroke. The DySard family moved to Baltimore, Maryland, during our sophomore year. Lee graduated from Maryland High School in Baltimore, and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Florida. Lee served two years in the United States Navy. He was a professional land surveyor in Naples, Florida, for over 30 years. Lee was survived by his wife Robin, several children, brother Harrison, and sister Ruth. Leland DySard was 75 years old. |
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Johnnie Edison died on January 29, 2023, in Racine, Wisconsin. Johnnie served in the United States Army from 1966 to 1969. He worked for many years for Modine Manufacturing in Racine. Johnnie was survived by his mother, his three children and 11 grandchildren. Johnnie Allen Edison was 74 years old. |
![]() Photo taken from the 1964 Polaris when we were sophomores. |
Louise married Donald Neff on January 16, 1968. They had two sons. Louise Neff was the second woman in Illinois to have an AAU boxing judges license. She worked as a private duty nurse, then at the Department of Home and Family Services for 22 years. On February 13, 1999, Louise married Dennis "Buck" Crase. Louise Ann Crase was survived by her children, three grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. |
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Linda Endress died January 28, 2023, at Freeport's Manor Court.
Linda worked at Swiss Colony for many years. Jonathan and Linda are buried at Chapel Hill Cemetery. Linda Endress Baker was 74 years old. |
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Cynthia Erwin died September 30, 2024, at Midwest Medical Center In Galena. Born in Chicago, Cindy worked for many years at Micro Switch and Liberty Village. She was 76 years old. |
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Dennis Farrar died in Madison, Wisconsin, on March 16, 2005, at the age of 59.
Dennis was a musician and employee of Taylor Park School. He was also employed by Walmart in Madison. He was survived by four brothers and two sisters. David was originally buried in Portland, but later their family had David's body moved to Freeport, and both David and Dennis are buried in City Cemetery. |
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Wendy Fluegel died on October 25, 2020. Wendy Louise
Fluegel Heyden of Orangeville graduated from La Molo School of Beauty
Culture. She worked at Orangeville High School, Malcolm Eaton Enterprises, and Presence/Provena St. Joseph Center taking care of others. Wendy is survived by two daughters, two stepsons, two grandchildren, three great-grandchildren and multiple other family members. Wendy is buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. She was 71 years old. |
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Jeffrey Forsythe died March 8, 2024, at Forest City Rehab in Rockford, Illinois.
He worked at Second Time Around record store, Meals on Wheels, and drove a school bus for Immanuel Lutheran School. Jeff was married and had two sons, Jared and Jonathan. He is buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Jeff was 75 years old. |
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Randy Frankenfield died on January 3, 2002, at home in Freeport.
Randy served in the Army in Vietnam and Cambodia. He was survived by his brother Robert, also Class of 1966, and sister Cheryl, Class of 1967. Randy is buried in the Memorial Gardens of Chapel Hill Cemetery. He was only 53 years old. |
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Frankenfield died on February 9, 2018.
Robert married Sarah Hille, and they had a son, Anthony. Robert is survived by his mother, his son Anthony, and his sister Cheryl, Class of 1967. Robert Miles Frankenfield is buried in the Memorial Gardens of Chapel Hill Cemetery. He was 70 years old. |
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Don Franz died July 31, 2023, at his home in Freeport. He worked as a tool and die maker at Honeywell for 48 years! Don married Victoria Griffin on September 19, 1997. She survived him, as did several children, and multiple grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Don stayed active physically and completed 13 marathons! Donald W. Franz was just 74 years old. |
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Mike Fryer died March 12, 1996, in Clinton County, Indiana, at age 47. In 1971 he graduated from Southern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science degree in communications. He was a production analyst and supervisor at Federal Mogul, a company that makes aftermarket automotive products. Mike served in the Navy Reserves. Mike married Linda A. Dubley on August 26, 1972. They moved from Rochelle, Illinois, to Frankfort, Indiana, in 1978. He was survived by his wife, Linda, and their daughter, Katie. |
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Robert Gassman died September 14, 2020, at his home in Littleton, Colorado.
After high school, Bob graduated from Southern Illinois University. He met his wife there. He and Mary Hertz Christiansen were married 26 years. They had one son, Brent. He worked for CBI Services (Chicago Bridge and Iron) in Kankakee after college. Bob was 72 years old. |
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Diantha Gimple died January 14, 2024, at the Citadel in Rockford.
On September 11, 1971, Diantha married William Landowski in Freeport. They had a daughter, Sara. William died June 19, 1999. Diantha was employed for 16 years at the State Employment Retirement System. Diantha J. Gimple Landowski was 75 years old. |
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Robert Grabow died of melanoma cancer on April 15, 2023, at University of Wisconsin Health.
On July 23, 1982, he married Lana in Rockton. He had three daughters and two sons, and multiple grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Robert Frank "Butch" Grabow, Jr., was buried at Oakland Cemetery. He was 74 years old. |
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Dennis Greier died October 29, 2020, in Rockford, of cancer. Dennis graduated from Highland Community College in 1968, and from Northern Illinois University in 1970. He married Judith Woker on August 8, 1970. They had three children and seven grandchildren. Dennis Lynn Greier was buried in Chapel Hill Cemetery in Freeport. Dennis was 72 years old. |
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Larry Griswold died after a brief illness on March 6, 1997, in San Francisco. He was 49 years old. Lawrence Richard Griswold served in the army in Vietnam, receiving six medals, including the Purple Heart.
Larry was also a poet, a championship-caliber pool player, and a "renaissance man." Those who knew him described him as a person with a superior intellect and an extraordinary ability to help others. For our 25th reunion booklet Larry wrote, "When I tell stories about my high school experiences, most people think I am making them up!" His sister, Pamela Susan Griswold Pohlman, died of cancer in Florida on July 7, 1996, at age 43.. Larry is buried at Grandview Cemetery. |
Sylvia Hamon died October 13, 2021. She went through grade school with the Class of 1966, but was always one of the youngest, and struggled with school. She dropped back a year and thrived, graduating with the Class of 1967.
Sylvia married Leslie Schrader in 1980. He died February 17, 2024. Sylvia J. Hamon Drake Schrader was 72 years old. |
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Pamela K. Harnish died January 31, 2012. She was 65 years old.
She worked at Burgess Battery. She was survived by a daughter, Lisa Otto, of Freeport. Pamela Wise was preceded in death by a grandson, SPC Norman Cain III, who was Killed In Action in Afghanistan in 2009. Pam is buried at Dakota Cemetery. |
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Jonathyn (Mike) Hartman died January 5, 2005 in Valparaiso, Indiana.
He earned a bachelor's degree in marketing and management from Madison Business College. Mike drove for JB Hunt Transportation for 10 years. He married Elaine Joyner on March 7, 1992, in Lowell, Indiana. Mike was survived by Elaine and their children Mike and Kristi. Mike was buried at Chapel Lawn Memorial Gardens in Schererville, Indiana. He was 56 years old. |
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Michael Harvey died of cancer on January 18, 2019, in San Antonio, Texas.
He was a 4-year veteran of the United States Air Force, and served as a Sergeant in Vietnam.. Mike is interred at Fort Sam Houston National Cemetery in San Antonio, Texas. Michael David Harvey was 71 years old. |
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Pamela Marie Heck died at home in Freeport on December 7, 1971, after an extended illness.
Pam attended Highland Community College, where she was a cheerleader. She is buried at Oakland Cemetery. Pam Sueltman was just 23 years old. |
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William served honorably in the U. S. Army from 1967-1969, earning several honors in Vietnam. He married Mary Ann Barcelona on March 15, 1969, in Freeport. Mary Ann died January 11, 2006. They had one son, Andrew, who survives William. He worked for Micro Switch as a millwright for 42 years. William was 73 years old. |
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Ardell Hilton died on October 25, 2014, at Rockford Memorial Hospital.
He served in the army as a drill sergeant. Ardell worked at Kelly Springfield Tire Company for 33 years. Ardell sang and was a drummer for "The Ascots." He was survived by three children, his wife, brothers and sisters, including his twin sister, Estelle Hilton Kahanna, who graduated in 1965. He is buried at Oakland Cemetery. Ardell was 67 years old. |
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James Holt died on March 20,2024, in Littleton, Colorado.
Jim graduated from Illinois State University with a degree in Business Education. He immediately put his degree to work. The young family moved to the Denver area and bought Adams Rental, an equipment rental and sales store. He ran the business for 42 years! James Phillip Holt was 75 years old. |
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Chuck served in the United States Navy from 1967-1971 as a radio operator. He married Mary Pike on November 26, 1993, in Rockford. Chuck worked as an accountant and business analyst with Cable Vision and River City Millwork. Chuck's lifetime goal was to have a farm, and his passion was growing vegetables for the farmer's market in Beloit, farming, reading, and his love for dogs, especially cocker spaniels. He is survived by his wife, Mary and his two dogs, Amos and Freckles. He is buried in Westminster Columbarium, Rockford. Chuck was 68 years old. |
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She married Jon Staben (Class of 1965) on July 13, 1968. They were married 50 years! Cathy was survived by Jon, their son, and their grandson. She worked at Newell as an accounts payable clerk, but her passions were taking care of children in in-home daycare and her miniature Dachshunds. She is buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Cathy was 70 years old. |
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Daniel James Irwin died January 20, 2011 in Houston, Texas, of complications from surgery for colon cancer. He was 62. In 1991, Dan lived in Appleton, Wisconsin. He worked as a training consultant and civil engineer with Flight Safety Company. Dan was a graduate of Colorado College in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He earned a degree in civil engineering from Georgia Tech. He married Camelia on May 12, 1971, in Colorado Springs. By 2006, Dan lived in Houston, Texas. He was survived by his wife, Camilia Simona Irwin. Dan is buried in Calvary Hill Cemetery in Humble, Texas. |
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Richard L. Jacobs died of cancer on February 12, 1991.
He was survived by his wife, Estella Poling, daughter Jennifer, and a brother and a sister. Richard is buried in the Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. He was 43 years old. |
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Jerry Jenner died in an auto accident on October 7, 1968.
More about Jerry on his Vietnam Memorial section. He served with Company D, 63rd Engineer Construction Battalion. Jerry is buried in the Garden of Devotion, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Jerry Elwyn Jenner was 20 years old. |
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Larry L. Kaiser died August 26, 2010, at Rockford Memorial Hospital of a brain hemorrhage.
Larry worked for Kelly Springfield for 35 years, retiring in 2005. After retirement, Larry worked part time for the Freeport Park District as the "duckmeister," restoring the duck barn that was destroyed in a flood. He married Judy K. Steve on June 8, 1968. She died December 15, 2005. On October 4, 2007, Larry married Connie Foulker in Freeport. He was survived by his wife Connie and children Tim, Tracy, and Tammy; and Steve, Donnie, Tim and "Toby." Larry was 62 years old. |
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Craig Kaney died January 15, 2023, in Wittenberg, Wisconsin, following an extended illness. Craig earned his Bachelor's degree in education from Carthage College, and a Masters from Illinois State University. He was a high school principal. After retiring, Craig made furniture in his home workshop, raised vegetables and canned them. Craig married Nancy Hilden on August 1, 1970. Nancy and three sons survive Craig. His remains were cremated. Craig was 74 years old.
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Donald Keep was Killed In Action in Vietnam on January 8, 1968, during the Tet Offensive in the Mekong Delta.
More about Don on his Vietnam Memorial section. He was buried with full military honors in the Chimes Tower Garden at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Don was just 19 years old. |
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Dennis Keith died December 27, 2023, of cancer, at the Monroe Clinic Hospice Home. Denny "Bullseye" Keith graduated from Highland Community College where he led the baseball team in Earned Run Average.
Denny once bowled a 300 game! He twice shot his age in golf at age 71. Denny was survived by his daughter Ashlii and three grandchildren. Denny was 75 years old. |
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Clifford Kleindl died May 8, 2007 at the V.A. Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.
He was a route coordinator for Golden Meals in Freeport for many years. Cliff was survived by a son, John, and four daughters, Amy, Michelle, Cher'ie, and Krissy, and special friend Bonnie. He is buried in Oakland Cemetery. Clifford Allan Kleindl was 60 years old. |
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Dennis Koehn died February 26, 2023, at his home in Freeport. Denny served in Vietnam and was awarded the Bronze Star and the Purple Heart. He was a member of Vietnow. Denny worked for Modern Plating for 43 years! He married Dawn Black in Lena on December 20, 1985. Denny was survived by his wife, their son D.J., his step-daughter Angie Black, and his dog, Turbo. He is buried at White Oak Cemetery in Forreston. Denny was 75 years old. |
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He lived in Tucson, Arizona. Sheldon was survived by his wife of 30 years, Pamela, a son Danny, and daughters Dionne and Kirsten. Sheldon studied fashion and merchandising in Chicago. He married Pamela Shuminas on February 14, 1970. They moved to Arizona where he graduated from Pima CC and in 1972 he graduated from the University of Arizona. He earned two masters in education and counseling from the University of Phoenix. He was working on his doctorate at the time of his death. He was an art teacher for pre-k through grade 3 at the Drachman School in Tucson. Sheldon had previously been a junior and senior high school teacher and advisor. Sheldon was only 51 years old. |
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Thomas Henry Kortemeier died December 18, 1981 in his home in Los Angeles, California.
Tom moved to Los Angeles in 1973 and became a part owner of Many Horses Art Gallery. He is buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Tom Kortemeier was just 33 years old. |
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He was an army veteran, serving in Vietnam. Richard married Vickie Worley on June 17, 1974, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He was employed by Thermos until his retirement. He was survived by his wife, Vickie, and three sons, Richard, Dustin and Clayton. He is buried in the Garden of Our Savior, Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Richard was 62 years old. |
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She met Teddy Williams, and he took leave from the Army to attend our high school graduation. That night he asked her to marry him. They were married on June 13, 1966, just four days after we graduated, having never actually gone on a date. They stayed married until his death in 2012. They had three children, Teddy Jr., Aprile, and Lacey. Jeanne was the office manager for Carrel Chiropractic Clinic. She had been a wedding reception planner and an office organizer. She was compassionate and giving, active with her church, needlework and baking. She is buried with her husband in the National Memorial Cemetery of Arizona in Phoenix. Jeanne was 71 years old. |
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He lived in Jacksonville, Florida from 1985 to 1992. He also lived in Dekalb, Ill. He is buried in the Garden of Devotion at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Karl was 44 years old. |
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Ann Laurence died August 17, 2021, at her home in Springfield, Illinois.
In August of 1973 she married Ross Richardson. They had a son Daniel. Ann's two passions were food and politics, and she was active in both industries. Ann joined the Dan Walker for Governor campaign in 1971. She was elected as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in Miami in 1972 and cast her ballot for George McGovern. During that time, she was interviewed by Newsweek Magazine. She moved to Springfield to work for Governor Dan Walker as assistant to John Houlihan, Director of the Illinois Department of Veteran Affairs. In 1977, Ross and Ann opened The Feed Store, which quickly became a popular lunch spot for the next 43 years. They bought and rehabbed an 1860 storefront in downtown Springfield. Local polls declared their restaurant the "Best Place for Lunch" and home of "Springfield's Best Soup." They had many prominent customers, including President Barack Obama in 2016. When the pandemic shut down many businesses, Ross and Ann decided to close the restaurant. Ann was proud that The Feed Store was the first Springfield restaurant to prohibit smoking in 1994. Ann fought for equality and women's rights. She believed that we all bear the responsibility to help others through participation in civic life. Per her request, there was no memorial service, and her body was cremated. Ann was just 73 years old. |
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Linda Leahy died April 12, 1994, in Freeport.
She is buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Linda was 46 years old. |
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Linda Lehman died June 7, 2023, after a long illness. Linda was a Payroll Clerk Senior at Kelly Springfield Tire. She was survived by her 27-year companion, Jeff Krupke, her mother Jane, her sister and four brothers. Linda Kay Lehman was 75 years old. |
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Scott W. Leininger died on February 12, 2004, in Tucson, Arizona, after a long illness.
Scott was the proprietor of the Packing Shed Restaurant in Charlotte, Virginia, and sold time-share condominiums in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and Jamaica. Scott was survived by son Chad and daughter Tiffany. Scott was 56 years old. |
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Michael Carroll Mansheim died October 7, 1997 in Rice Lake, Wisconsin.
In addition to his work as a mechanical and industrial engineer, Mike was a police officer and an EMT. He was Vice President of the Stephenson County Sheriff's Auxiliary in the 1980s. He had a tool for every maintenance job. Mike married Julie Rehor on March 17, 1993, in Freeport. They lived in Amery, Wisconsin, and later Almena, Wisconsin. He was survived by his wife and three children, Brian, Bernice and Basil. He is buried in Greenwood Cemetery, Hayward, Wisconsin. Mike was 49 years old. |
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Jim Manske died September 24, 2024, at St. Joseph's Ascension Living Center in Freeport. His remains were cremated. Jim served in the U. S. Army in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne, and after Vietnam with the Army Reserve. He worked at Chrysler for 42 years. Mike was survived by his wife, Marsha, five children, 11 grandchildren, and several great-grandchildren. His brother Mike, Class of 1965, died December 29, 2023. James W. Manske was 75 years old. |
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Wayne W. Marassa died July 11, 2021. He served in the U. S. Navy in Vietnam.. Wayne was 74 years old. He is buried at Oakland Cemetery. |
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David Marsh died of a heart attack on December 10, 1988.
David was a past president of the Freeport Jaycees, a member of Evergreen Masonic Lodge, Freeport Consistory, St. John UCC, and was a commissioner and coach for Freeport Junior Tackle. He was survived by his wife, Anita, son Todd, daughter Stacey, and a brother. David is buried in Oakland Cemetery. Dave was just 40 years old. |
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Julie Mast reportedly died in late September, 2017. She lived in Woodstock, Illinois, and worked as a freelance writer. She married Frank Mills, a science teacher. They had a daughter, Amanda. I have not been able to find any record of her death. Julie Mast Mills would have been about 69 years old. |
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Jon R. Meyers died September 14, 2013, at his home after a four month battle with cancer.
He was employed by the Freeport Post Office for 30 years. Jon was survived by a daughter Angela, a son John, grandchildren, his parents, and three brothers, Jim, Pat, and Kevin. He was preceded in death by a son, Daniel. He is buried at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Jon was 65 years old. |
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Thomas Migliore died August 27, 2023.
He taught more than 1000 students during his career at Orangeville Grade School. Tom enjoyed playing, umpiring and watching baseball his entire life. Thomas William Migliore was 74 years old. |
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Gerry Minear died June 21, 2014.
Gerry was survived by his wife Diane (Stake), Class of 1965 and son Todd. Gerry and Diane were married for over 44 years. He was a 1970 graduate of Iowa State University, where he was a Phi Delta Theta. According to his obituary in the Tampa Bay Times, he was a gregarious man who never met a stranger and lived every day to the fullest. Gerry was just 66 years old. |
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Darrel served in the Army from 1968-1971. He married Katie Valencia. Darrel was a drummer in many Freeport area bands, including Gary Downing and the Classics, Jason Stone and the Classics, The Bonnevilles, We Have Been, Clark and the Westerners, Four Play, and Juke Box Rock and Roll. He worked at MetLife for many years as an insurance adjuster. Darrel is survived by Katie, two daughters, Kimberly and Mindy, and four grandchildren. |
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Larry Morhardt died March 29, 1993, at age 44.
Larry James Morhardt married Barbara Louise Meyer. They had three daughters, Beth, Lori and Jill. Barbara died in 2002. Larry and Barbara are buried in the Garden of Hymns at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens in Freeport. |
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Linda Moritz died June 14, 2018, at age 69.
She spent most of her career in psychiatric nursing. She worked in admissions, treatment rooms, adult Intensive Care, and retired from administration in 2013. USAF 2nd Lieutenant Linda Moritz served as a Registered Nurse. After retirement, Linda lived in San Diego. Linda had an abdominal aortic aneurism. Her body was cremated, and her ashes scattered. |
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Marchia Otto died May 18, 2021. She was one of our cheerleaders.
Marchia earned a Bachelor of Science at Southern Illinois University. She and David were well-known caterers and restaurant people, including Sugar N' Spice starting in 1976, and the Wine and Dine Restaurant in the late.1970s. Her body was cremated. Marchia Cheryl Otto Maney was 73 years old. |
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Dennis Piefer died February 18, 2025, at home in Freeport, of cancer. He married Bonnie Lubenow on November 8, 1989. They had four children, two girls and two boys, who gave them six grandchildren.
He was into dirt racing and photography. He traveled throughout the midwest following his favorite drivers. His favorite track was the Eldora Speedway in New Weston, Ohio. Denny was 76 years old.
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Vicki L. Pizzolato died August 16, 2003, at age 55. She was married to Jason Kerlin. Vicki Kerlin lived in Freeport in 1991. |
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Marta Pontual died of cancer. Her death was reported via Facebook on February 13, 2020. Marty was one of our three foreign exchange students. She was from Recife, Brazil. Marty Pontual Dantas was about 71 years old. |
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Raymond Reed died on February 11, 2021, in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
Ray joined the United States Coast Guard and served as a Quartermaster. He was a carpenter, a professional photographer and a software programmer/analyst until his retirement in 2014. He is survived by four children, Michael, Michellle, Melinda and Mandy, as well as seven grandchildren. Ray is buried alongside Melody at Chapel Hill Memorial Garden Cemetery. Ray was 73 years old. |
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Mary E. Reynolds died June 7, 2005 in Freeport.
She was a career military wife. They lived for many years in Redlands, California. They had a daughter, Amy, and two sons, Christopher and Steven. Mary was involved with both the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts for many years. She was survived by Paul and her children. She is buried in the Garden of Hymns at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Mary Brauer was 57 years old. |
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Melanie J. Roenneburg died December 15, 2003, in Rockford.
Melanie photographed live concerts and children. She is buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Melanie was 55 years old. |
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Larry Ruckman died August 5, 2017, in Dixon. He is buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens in Dixon.
Larry served in the Army Reserve until 1974. He co-owned LeBaron and Ruckman Furniture in Freeport until his retirement in 1999. Larry was an avid gardener, growing vegetables and flowers in his garden and greenhouse. Larry was 69 years old. His wife, children and four grandchildren survive him. |
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Lynn Rudy died September 8, 1992.
Lynn was survived by his wife Connie, daughters Tricia and Tonya, and son Troy. He is buried in the Chimes Tower Garden at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Lynn was just 44 years old. |
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Gary Lee Sager, Sr. died December 23, 1988, at Clark Air Force Base, in the Philippines.
Gary was survived by his wife Evelyn, sons Eric and Gary Lee Jr., and daughters Melinda, Michelle and Mileitt. Gary is buried in Oakland Cemetery. He was 40 years old. |
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Mary Salter died January 7, 1991.
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Peggy Ann Scheider died July 21, 2020, in Freeport, of Parkinson's Disease. Peggy married
John Euler just four days after we graduated, on June 13, 1966.
She worked at Honeywell for 31 years. Peggy was survived by her husband, two sons, eight grandchildren and 12 great-grandchildren. She was buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Peggy was 72 years old. |
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Karen Schnitzler died from cancer on December 16, 2019, at her home in Dakota.
Karen graduated from Lamolo Cosmetology School. She worked as a hair stylist at several beauty shops, and finally worked for Park View Nursing Home for more than 25 years. She was a licensed HAM radio operator. One person wrote about her, "She was always smiling and her laugh was contagious." Karen E. Schnitzler Hoefer was 71 years old. |
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Kenneth E. Schnitzler died July 6, 2004, at the University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.
He attended college in Chicago before returning to Freeport to work at Micro Switch. Ken loved playing golf and was very involved with his five grandchildren. He is buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. He was survived by his wife, two daughters and one son. Ken was 56 years old. |
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Tina Schriver died on June 26, 2023, at Heritage Woods of Freeport. She married John Nortridge (Class of 1964) on August 5, 1965, after our junior year. John died in 2003 after 38 years of marriage. In 2012 Val married Alvin "Tuck" Hein. Tina earned a degree in nursing and worked in a large hospital in Chicago. She also volunteered with the American Red Cross after hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma. She was survived by Tuck, five daughters, 10 grandchildren and 13 greatgrandchildren. The photo is Tina as a junior in the 1965 Polaris. Valentina Y. Schriver Nortridge Hein was just 74 years old. |
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Vicki was in our class through our sophomore year. She married Richard Anderson on April 3, 1971. She worked for Micro Switch, Thermos and Anchor Harvey. Vicki L. Anderson was survived by her husband, two sons and a daughter, seven grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Buried in Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens, Vicki was 66 years old. |
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Curtiss Dean Scudder died March 24, 2004, in Freeport.
Curt was 58. |
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Dolf Warren Seeds died December 17, 2012. He retired in June 2012 after 14 years as a bus driver for Shelby County, Alabama, Schools. Dolf married Anne Loyd.
Dolf was an accomplished linguist, author, artist and graphic designer. He owned the Center for Bible Linguistics. In his spare time, Dolf painted back bayou scenes around the east side of Mobile Bay, Alabama. He lived in Montevallo, Alabama. Anne preceded him in death; he was survived by their son, Peter. Dolf was 64. |
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Linda K. Sheetz died October 25, 2005, in Belvidere, Illinois, following a six-month battle with cancer. She married Terry Wickler on July 9, 1966, in Freeport. They lived in Belvidere for 30 years. Linda worked for Northwoods Health Care Center for 20 years. She was survived by her husband, daughter Rachel and son Robert. Linda Wickler was just 57 years old. |
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Darla Springer died April 17, 2021, in Eugene, Oregon.
Darla was an accountant. Darla was 73 years old. |
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Timothy A. "Saint" St. Andrews died November 3, 2016.
He married Mary Marten on April 24, 1971. They had two daughters, Kim and Michelle. Tim owned and ran Mort and Saints Bar and Grill, and also worked for Northern Illinois Outdoor Advertising. For a while Tim was the branch manager of Pearl City Elevator. Tim St. Andrews was 68 years old.
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Robert Stebbins died January1, 1980. He was 31 years old.
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Jim Stingley and Ken Stingley were both in our class up through our sophomore year, but did not graduate with us. Identical twins, I could never tell them apart. Kenneth Lee Stingley died on June 10, 2005. He was a Vietnam veteran. He had been married to Linda Cali from the Class of 1968, and was survived by son Michael, daughters Lisa and Amy, two brothers and two sisters. He was an Army veteran, serving in Germany during the Vietnam era. Ken was 57. James L. Stingley died January 17, 2009 at the Stephenson Nursing Center. He was a bartender in Freeport for many years. Jim was 60. |
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Michael Stodden died July 22, 2023, at Medina Nursing Home in Durand.
Michael married Catherine Thruman on June 15, 1968. They had four children. He worked for Kelly-Springfield for 31 years, and was later a consutant for Titan Tire. Michael W. Stodden was 74 years old. |
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She was married to 1966 classmate James Allen Becker. They lived in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin. Nancy was a purchasing agent, receptionist, and a computer programmer. Jim survived her by nine years. She is buried in the Chimes Tower Garden at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens.
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Julie J. Thomasson died July 25, 2010.
Julie graduated from the LaMolla School of Beauty in 1972. Julie Skaggs was a hair stylist at the Blue Fox Hair Salon in Atlanta. Her husband survived her. Julie was about 62. |
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(Clarence) Kip Triplett died December 18, 2012, from prostate cancer, one day after his 64th birthday. He legally changed his name from Clarence to Kip Eugean Triplett in 1970. From his formative years in public housing, through the psychedelic sixties, to bookstores, the west coast, the midwest, and New York City, he remained true to his pursuit of individual intellect and spiritual curiosity. At various times Kip lived in San Francisco, New York, Atlanta, Chapel Hill, Gallup, Seattle and Portland. He mostly worked in publishing sales and marketing, especially audio books. He rarely lived in one state longer than three years. Kip was a national sales manager in a publishing hall in New York City, one of the first African-Americans at that level within the company. He spent a lifetime in pursuit of knowledge and his own path through life. His life and wisdom touched many with his infectious laugh and warm smile. Kip was my friend for many decades. Kip was survived by two sons, Damion and Merlin, and his fiance, Susan. |
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Terry Troxel died May 17, 2021 at age 73. |
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Donald Eugene VanMatre died October 27, 2000, and is buried at Grandview Cemetery.
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Eddie Washington died December 19, 2019, at his home in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Eddie retired from the post office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was survived by his wife Denise, daughter April, and step-children Michelle, Tyrone, Howard, Letrice, Jason and James, and several grandchildren. Eddie was 71 years old. |
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Orania M. Watter died in January 1989. She married George S. Jones in November 1969. Both George and Orania Jones worked at Burgess Battery. Oriana was 40. |
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Wayne Watz died February 2, 2009, at University Hospital in Madison, Wisconsin.
Wayne served in the U.S. Army Reserve. He had worked for Honeywell for 40 years, and at the time of his death was employed at Wahl Clipper in Sterling. Barbara survived him, as did their two sons, Randy and Jayson. Wayne was 60 years old. |
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Thomas Weaver was killed December 7, 1969, while serving in the navy. More about Tom on his Vietnam Memorial section.
He is buried in the Chimes Tower Garden at Chapel Hill Memorial Gardens. Tom was 22 years old. |
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Anne Louise Weckerly died August 6, 2014, after a long battle with cancer.
A longtime resident of Springfield, Illinois, Anne was an artist. She was active in the Springfield Arts Council, First Night Springfield, and New Salem's Theatre in the Park. She was known for award-winning baskets and her nature photography. She was cremated. Anne Fusco was 66 years old. |
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/Ron Weckerly died June 17, 2023, of pancreatic cancer, at home, surrounded by family. Ron was a father, an educator and an author. His book, Poems, Pathways and Peace: A Baby Boomer's Journey With ADHD, related his journey through Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
During Ron's 31 years of teaching, he taught 4th, 5th and 6th grades in elementary school, as well as behavioral disordered and learning disabled students. For the last 10 years of his teaching career he taught U. S. History to 8th graders. Ron was nominated six times to "Who's Who Among American Teachers."
Ron's book is open and telling about his ADHD and his struggles. He said that the experience of writing his book was painful, yet enlightening. His process of self-actualization involved pain, honesty, lonesomeness, frustration, anger and acceptance. Ron was survived by his wife Lisa, daughters Heidi and Ginnie, grandchildren, numerous relatives, his dog, many friends and lots of grateful students. Ron Weckerly was 75 years old. |
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Janet Wiegmann died February 10, 2005. She was married to Raymond D. Heister. Raymond and Janet Heister lived in Freeport in 1991. He survived her, as did their two children, Robert and Angela. Janet was about 56. |
Art Williamson Deceased before 2006. |
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Nancy Yokers died January 30, 2024, at FHN Memorial Hospital. Nancy lived
in Pecatonica until our high school years. She started nurses training in Freeport, then joined the Air Force and completed her nurses training at Edwards AFB in California. Nancy earned the rank of 2nd Lieutenant Reservist (nursing). She married Ronald E. Lassiter on June 23, 1972. Nancy was the Director of Nursing at Freeport Manor Nursing Home and Fair Oaks Nursing Home for many years. She was survived by her son Chad Lassiter and four grandchildren. Nancy Lee Yokers Lassiter was 75 years old. |
in peace, my friends.
Donald Jepson, Robert Rimington, Harold Born, John Korf, Thomas Ennenga, Douglas Graves, Robert Pashby. Dr. David Ponitz resigned as superintendent and left Oct. 30, 1965. Theodore Carpenter, assistant superintendent of schools, assumed the responsibilities.
Baumgartner, Principal
Ruth Ann Gruenau, Dean of Girls
Doctor Evans, Administrative Assistant
Boswell, School Nurse
Vernon Ruthe, Business Manager
Mary Ellen McPherson, Librarian
Jeanette Lloyd, Karl McWilliams, Richard Lumby, Ronald Norman
Florence Schoonhoven, Laura Enstrom, Donna Knapp, Anna Mae Lyon, Doris
Kirby, Martha Cutler, Rachael Rutter
Mary Leuzinger, Supervisor
Elwyn Jones, Supervisor
Ruth Burgett, Dick Minear, Clyde Jackson, Spencer Stebbin, Charles Johnson,
Chester Meier, Alfred Gebennus, Lawrence Fransen, Harold Homan
Allen, Physical Education, Director of Athletics
Dwayne Ayer, Biology
Douglas Baldwin, Physics, Algebra
Joyce Baltzer, History, International Relations
Alan Bassuener, Physical Education
Camille Baumgartner, English
Farrell Benefiel, Physical Education, Health & Safety, Coaching
Vernon Bokemeier, Vocational Agriculture, Biology
Ernest Boltie, Mathematics
Dewayne Burck, Metals, Machine Shop
Eleanor Chance, Home Economics
William Chance, Social Studies, Coaching
Wade Collier, Electronics, Machine Shop
Mary Collins, French
Mary Copeland, English
Eugene Cyphers, Business
James Davis, English, Debate
Sheila Doden, Vocal Music
John Egan, History, Government
Delbert Eilders, Business
Ralph Enstrom, Speech
Douglas Firebaugh, Chemistry
Edith Groom, English
Helen Hamil, U.S. History
Dagmar Hansen, English
Geraldine Hayner, Business
Elizabeth Heiland, Physical Education, Health & Safety
John Hull, Chemistry
Mary Johnson, English
Nate Johnson, Physical Education, Drivers Education, Coaching
Gina Jordan, English
Marjorie Kephart, English
Edsel Langdon, Physics
Jeannette Lloyd, Speech, Drama
Mary Luebbing, English
Richard Lumby, Social Studies, Counselor
Lucille Madden, Art
Eugene Marks, Technical Drawing
George Martin, U.S. History, Speech
Lillian Matthiesen, Home Economics
Gerald McElroy, English, Publications
Alex McKnight, Drivers Education, English
Ada Meyers, Mathematics
Roy Modlinger, English, Reading
Dorothy Nelson, Vocal Music
Ronald Norman, Health & Safety, Counselor, Coach
Minor Ocker, Biology
Terrance O'Neill, Woodshop
Lois Pash, Mathematics
Donna Reed, Physical Education
Carl Reuter, Mathematics
Frances Ritzinger, Business
Raymond Robbins, Mathematics
Rosalee Rockman, Art
Doris Roen, English
Martha Rohlfing, German
Willard Rubendall, Mathematics
Ann Salmela, Physical Education
Dean Sayles, Band
Dorothea Schmidt, Spanish
Paul Schmidt, Latin
Russell Schoenig, Business
Ernest Seeman, Orchestra
Irene Sullivan, Mathematics
Maxine Triff, German
Mardelle Voigt, Spanish
Allan Walter, Power Mechanics
James Yde, U.S. History, Geography
David Youker, Biology
Mary Margaret Luebbing, a Freeport High School English teacher for 23 years, died Wednesday, March 23, 1966, of a heart attack at age 45. She was a lifelong Freeport resident and a graduate of Freeport High School and the University of Wisconsin. Miss Luebbing had taught in the English and French departments at FHS for 23 years. In 1965-66 she was coordinator of the junior English program and editor of the school handbooks for students, parents, and faculty. In previous years she had been advisor for student publications and the French Club. She is buried in Oakland Cemetery.
Babcock played cello in school. I remember listening to her play. I'd
be sitting in Zero Hour, Freeport Junior High School's version of detention,
and I could hear her playing after school in her homeroom classroom, down
that long linoleum hallway, the sounds of the cello echoing eerily in
the distance.
Martha joined the Boston Symphony Orchestra in 1973, was appointed assistant principal cello of the BSO and principal cello of the Boston Pops Orchestra in 1982, and became associate principal cello of the BSO in 2013.
Martha began studying music at age six, and by age 10 began her focus on the cello. She made her solo debut with orchestra at age 14.
At age 19 she began her professional career with the Montreal Symphony Orchestra.
After high school, she graduated from Radcliffe, and attended graduate school at the Boston University School for the Arts. Her teachers included Lowell Creitz, Aldo Parisot, and George Neikrug. (The BSO website says she was a Cum Laude graduate of Harvard University!)
She won the prestigious Piatigorsky Prize at the Tanglewood Music Center. Martha has played solo with the Boston Pops on many occasions, collaborating with conductors Keith Lockhart, John Williams, Ronald Feldman, and Erich Kunzel in concertos by Antonin Dvorák, Luigi Boccherini, Edward Elgar, Robert Schumann, and Eugen d'Albert. She is active in solo and chamber music performances in the Boston area and at Tanglewood.
Martha has played with the BSO Chamber Players and has recorded Dvorák's String Sextet with the group for Nonesuch, as well as contemporary works for CRI and chamber music of Rebecca Clarke for Northeastern Records. Her recording of Camille Saint-Saëns's The Swan is featured on the Boston Pops CD "Pops in Love," conducted by John Williams. She also plays on a solo recording of James Yannatos's Sonata for Solo Cello, released by Albany Records.
Martha's cello, the "ex-Feuermann," was made in Rome in 1741 by David Tecchler.
Both the BSO and the Boston Pops are frequently featured on public television, and it is easy to spot Martha.
The Blackhawk
March 21, 1960
Blackhawk School, Grade Six
Glada Brubaker, Marilyn Johnson, Ellen Waggoner, Editors
Carol Leemhuis, Lana Roen, Copyreaders
Mr. Kuhlemeier, Teacher
My father's 1966 license plate.
As a reward for graduating from high school, my grandmother gave me my grandfather's 1957 Chevy. This is the first plate I put on that car. The car was silver, 4-door, and had a 283 V-8 engine. It was sweet!
Ellen Waggoner
and Sharon Steinhagen-Mustari sailing out of Everett, Washington, in September,
Class of 1966 as Juniors
in the 1965 Polaris
(Click on any photo to enlarge)
Class of 1966 as Sophomores
in the 1964 Polaris
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Click on any year in the chart below to see the class and other info, such as postcards, people and events from that year.
2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 |