![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
The 1923 Polaris
Anna Ambre, Burnetta Ash, Florence Askey, Vivian Aspinwall, Cecil Atchison,
Kathryn Babcock, Mary Babcock, John Baker, Bergruce Balz, Edwin Bangasser, Clyne Bardell, Raymond Bean, George Beardsley, Marguerite Benoy, Harry Bird, Nellie Blackmore, Herbert Bogenrief, Eileen Boland, Clarence Bordner, Charles Borsdorf, Kennety Boyer, Bonita Brandt, Leone Brannan, Leona Brokhausen, Dorothy Brown or Browne, Bernard Burkhart, Robert Burns, Orin Busker, Stanley Byram,
Mary Cahill, Ferne Cheeseman, Kenneth Clark, Edith Cohen, Harry Commons, Inez Cook, Ellis Cram, Arthur Cramer, Richard Credicott, Kathryn Criddle, Catherine Cunningham, Lucile Cunningham, Gladys Currier,
Thelma Datt, Mary Davies, Marian DeBell, Karl Deemer, Hezekiah Diefenthaler, Myrtle Doonan, Fred Dorman, Ruth Dresser, Vaille Day, Hannah Dwyer,
Charles Eichmeier, Ruth Eli, Robert Ellis, Evan Engle, Thurman Estrem, Blanche Evans,
Leland Fahs, Dorothy Fisher, Samuel Fischer, Kenneth Fissel, Elizabeth Flint, George Fluehr, Clara Folgate, Oliver Fosha, Mary Louise Franz, Edna Fuhren,
Dena Gastman, Donald Garman, Blanch Geiter, Violette Grimm, Edward Gueth, Allie Gundry,
Kenneth Halen, Arthur Hall, Alice Haroldson, John Hawkins, Dorothy Herlocker, Grant Hiatt, Lucile Hickory, Frances Hicks, Beatrice Hoffman, Chester Holland, Gertrude Hopper, Edith Hutchinson,
Clara Jaeger, Francis Jerodat, Clarence Johnson, Frederick Johnson, John Johnson, Katherine Jordan,
Frances Kachelhoffer, Delbert Kasten, Doris Kerch, Georgine Kerchner, Donald Keyes, Blanche Kiester, Loretta Kinney, Alma Kracht, Vida Kuhlemeyer, Garnette Kuntz,
Tom Labinski, Velma Landolt, Ursula Lautwein, John Leonard, Alice Lied, Leona Love, Carl Ludolph, Lois Lyon,
Paul McCullough, Agatha McCuen, Leota Mellom, Virginia Meyer, Earnest Miller, Thelma Miller, Elizabeth Mitchell, James Moers, Helen Moersch, Minnie Mohr, Emma Molter, Julia Molter, Harold Murdaugh, Isabelle Murray,
Esther Neidigh, Glen Neuschwander, Agnes Nichol, Myles Nichol, Fred Nieman, Mildred Nesemeyer,
Mary O'Rourke,
Edith Paules, Adah Petermeier, Evelyn Phillips, William Place, Roberta Prescott, Dorothy Price, Alice Putnam,
Lynn Ravenscroft, Russell Rawleigh, Dorothy Riemer, Donald Rockow, Bernard Ross, Harry Rubendall, Henry Ruthe,
Margaret Schell, Lucille Schofield, Marguerite Schwarz, Margaret Shank, Harry Sheffy, Luella Scheidt, Verna Mae Searles, Della Seidel, Mildred Shaw, Edmund Sheridan, Edith Shippy, Louella Shons, Goddard Smith, Lucile Smith, Dorothy Snively, Bernice Sprattler, Clara Staas, Lettie Staver, Robert Steffen, Donald Stewart, Fred Stiles, George Stout, Bowen Stover, Lettie Stover, Irma Strassburger, Donald Swain,
John Taylor, Lester Taylor, Bernice Trepus,
Samuel Van Deest, Beatrice Van de Mark, Clarence Van Loh,
Lucille Waggoner, Edna Wallace, Russell Wallace, Nina Walrad, Vada Walter, Jane Weaver, Margaret Weaver, Roxie Weigel, LeRoy Weir, Vida Wenzel, Mary Wieneke, Magdalene Wilkey, Tom Willie,
Mary Youngs,
William Zartman, Helen Zimmerman.
The 1923 Basketball Team