![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Abels, Jaime Albrecht, Kaywin Allen, Doug Altensey, John Altman, Linda
Andersen, Mark Anderson, Mark Andregg, Jayne Andrews, Tim Apel, Janet
Arbogast, Mary Auer,
Diana Babcock, Nancy Babcock, Anita Baer, Julie Baker, John J. Bangasser,
Lori Bardell, Nancy Barr, Ronda Bastian, Laurie Bawinkel, Scott Bawinkel,
Kenneth Beach, Bonnie Bennehoff, Deb Bennehoff, Jeffrey Beyer, Glenn Beyermann,
Mark Beyermann, Lynn Bierie, Oscar Bledsoe, Don Blomberg, Billie Bloyer,
Eric Bohnsack, Kim Bose, Brian Bounds, Terry Bowdry, Scott Bowen, Theresa
Bowman, Andy Boyer, Brenda Brandt, Jeffrey Branthaver, Jeff Brawner, Deana
Breed, Todd Brokhausen, Debra Ann Brown, William Brown, Alan Burnett,
Dianna Busch, Randall Buss, Scott Buss, Steven Buss, Shawn Butler,
Debbie Cain, Dennis Cain, Cheryl Calem, Charlotte Calkins, Chris Camerer,
Sally Campbell, Suzanne Cannova, Byron Carlile, Christine Carter, Tom
Cassidy, Jeff Castle, Angie Chamberlain, Darcey Clair, Timm Clancy, Todd
Clancy, Tim Clark III, Jim Clemmons, Doug Coburn, Ronnie Collier, Mike
Collins, Debra Colts, Susan Conway, Sue Cooley, Geoffrey S. Cox, Kathi
Crase, David Crawford, Duane Culp, Jay Cummins,
Dagel, Michael J. Daley, Seba Davidson, Gwen Davis, Jack Dawson, Robert
Delander, Patricia Derr, Jaime Dimarino, Keith Dimmick, Betty Dixson,
Patrick Donnelly, David Dooley, Doug Dorsey, Jacki Drury, Bryan Dunaway,
Martin Ebert, Brad Eden, Joe Eisen, Mark Erb, Annette Ernst, Loretta Erving,
Betsy Euell, Sandra Euell, Rebecca Evans,
Tim Fargher, Sven Fedderson, Valerie Lynn Feiner, Frank Ferguson, Russell Fertitta, Roxann Finkle, Allen Fissell, Jerry Fleming, Brian Fletcher, Deborah Fletcher, Kevin Flynn, Laura Folk, Rebecca Kay Foshee, Suzanne Frederick, Dawn French, Karen Fricke,
Gage, Dave Gale, Lori Gantz, Kim Garnhart, Julie Garwick, Kathy Gatchel,
Bonnie Geiser, Tracy Gentz, Julie Gettemy, Kelly Gitz, Carmen Glover,
Christine Goodspeed, Bonnie Goodwin, Ann Gould, Kristine Grant, Laura
Grant, Donna Green, Julie Greene, Mary Grenoble, Vicky Grenoble, Peter
Griffes, Liz Gruendler, Brad Guffey, Margaret Gustason, Greg Guth, Martha
Jaime Hadju, Brad Hagelin, Ann Hardinger, David Harlan, John Harnish,
Brian Harrenstein, William Hart, Daniel Hartman, Gerald Hartman, Shari
Hartman, Tim Hartog, Liz Harvey, Debra Hasse, Amber Hasselman, Steve Hayes,
Judy Hayner, JoEllen Heilman, Karen Heilman, Sherry Heilman, Greg Heinrich,
Martha Helpingstine, Steve Hepler, Julie Hermsmeier, Lisa Herrling, John
Hershberger, Sherry Hessenius, Valerie Hill, Dennis Hille, Sue Hille,
Terry Holden, Denise Hoover, Alex Holloway, Peter Holm, Lisa Holmes, Ed
Hotek, Dale Houghton, Victor Hoyer, Kristi Huber, Carol Hueser , Kirk
Hughes, Maribeth Huisinga, Clyde Hull, Patricia Hunefield, Joel Hunziker
, Jay Hurder, Colleen Hutmacher, Lorna Hamm,
Sandy Infeld,
Ann Jacobs, Mark Jacobs, Bruce Jedwabny, Donald M. Jenkins Jr., Rhonda
Jensen, Carol Johnson, Kevin Johnson, Mary Beth Johnson, Calvin Jones,
Kimberly Jones, Sallie Jones, Diane Jozefowicz, Tom Julius,
Debbie Kahl, Jeffrey Kaiser, Laurie Karl, Lesa Karl, Sandy Kasprzak, Jonathan
Kaston, Gerald Keeney, Dawne Keep, Bert Keister, Charles Keister, Latosca
Kennedy , Chris Keppen, Joseph Kerber, Terry Kerchner, Bert Kibbler, Tamara
Kidd, Paul Kimble, Tommy King, Joe D. Kirk Jr., Kay Kleckner, Mark Klenz,
Alan Kline, Julie Kloos, Timothy Klouser, Linda Knapp, Dave Koester, Sharon
Kohlbauer, Roger Kohlmeier, Amy Koym, Jeff Krieger, Kurt Krogull, Steve
Krogull, Carol Krupke, Beth Kruse, Karen Kubatzke, Billie Kyler,
Lacy, Vivian Lacy, Patricia Lamm, Sue Lamm, Beth Langdon, John Langlois,
Gary Lantz, David Lathrop, Michael Leather, Jeff LeBaron, Kurt Lee, Luci
Leibig, Annette Leider, Robert Leininger, Nancy Lemanski, Terry Lender,
Lorri Lenior, Ginnie Lenz, Rose Leopold, Bill Libberton, Jan Linder, Kim
Long, Gene Lotta, Mike Loukota, Laura Louthain, Joseph Lownik, James Ludolph,
Mark Luthin, Julie Luy,
Mary Mahoney, Linda Marks, Patricia Marks, Bret Marozik, Maureen Marsh,
Mark Mathews, Sheri Maxey, Mark May, Mike May, Peggy Mayer, Randy Maher,
Gloria McCellan, Linda McClellan, Barb McKillip, Dana McLinn, Robert McShane,
Ronnie Meiers, Holly Meinert, Marcy Mellom, Leah Metcalf, Lisa Meyers,
Timothy Meyer, Barry Miller, Donald D. Miller, Timothy Miller, Wendy Milliam,
Kim Mittelsteadt, Diane Monigold, Kathy Moore, Scott Moore, Morris Moos,
Carrie Mordick, Tom Mowery, Miles Mueller, Becky Myers, Rory Myers,
Nesemeyer, Terri Nevenhoven, Dianna Newton, Pete Norman, Dean (Tim) Nye,
Colleen O'Brien, Mary Kaye O'Brien, Deb Oefelein, David O'Hagan, Lori
Okey, Kris A. Olson, Steven J. Olson, Steven M. Olson, Debra Orth, Douglas
Orth, Tracy Osborne, Lynn Ottenhausen,
Wendy Padfield, Beverly Palmer, Clark Palmer, Jaime Peace, Veronica Pearson, Keith Penniston, Joel Penticoff, Mark Penticoff, Shelly Perkins, Jim Peterson, Karen Peterson, Sherry Phillips, Daneice Piggues, Marsha Plum, Jill Polsean, Layne Pontnack, Paula Pontnack, Kathy Portner, Sherrie Post, Christine Prather, Eric Pruitt, Jeffrey Pulfrey,
Steve Quittshreiber,
Cindy Rasmus, Terry Raymond, Steve Raymond, Kay Reichert, Christine Reisch, Stewart Reuber, Jeffrey Reuter, Mary Rhode, Marsha Richardson, Joyce Richmond, Larry Richmond, Scott Riddell, Tom Rigney, Vicky Roethlisberger, Roxann Rogers, Randall Rohde, Catherine Romani, Arthur Ross III, Carol Ruby, Stuart Russell,
Carolyn Salter, Todd Sanders, Nils Sandstrom, Kim Sawdey, Deanna Saxby, Brian Scanlon, Robert Schadewaldt, Keith Schaible, Ken Schardt, Vicki Schauer, Christy Schlosser, Leeann Schuster, Manuel Seal, Deborah Seals, Mary Seefeldt, Forrest Senn, Barb Shade, Steve Shade, Lauri Shadle, David R. Shelton, Dawn Shenberger, Lisa Shianna, Damon (Yancy) Shipp, Randy Shipp, Tanzie Shipp, Penny Shons, Donna Short, Rosie Shorter, Roger Sievert, Mark Simler, Robert Simmons, Michael Sittig, Alice Slifer, Deborah Smith, Donna Smith, Julie Smith, Karen Smith, Kelly Jo Smith, Mark Smith, Mary Kay Smith, Randy Smith, Connie Smull, Dennis Snyder, Steve Snyder, Sue Snyder, Cindy Sorn, Teresa Sorn, Balinda Spikes, Richard Spotts, Roberta Springer, Raymond Staas, Ann Staben, Nadine Stadel, Valarie Stahr, Peggy Stearns, Brian Steele, Tamah Steele, Jennifer Stees, Carmen Stees, Pam Stewart, Jeff Stichter, Jeff Stine, Angela Stockhausen, Jim Stout, Dan Stowe,
Nan Taylo, Kristin Tellekson, Arnold Terry, Jody Thompson, Betty Tillburg, Brian Toepfer, Brian Tollakson, Gordon Tormohlen, Daniel Triem, Sue Tropsa, Darryl Truckenmiller, Shirley Truman, Sally Tuell, Randall Turner,
James Valkema, Karen Vanderheyden, Cathy VanMatre, Mark VanRaalte, Paul Vaterlaus, David Vehmeier, Jerry Vickers, Dave Vrtol,
Mark Wagner, Karen Wardlow, Robert Watson, Ruth Watter, Wendy Weckerly, Jaime Weier, Tim Welch, Karen Wells, Alicia Werntz, Don Wescott, Michael White, Darrel Wichman, Debbie Wienand, Gary Wilkinson, Janean Williams, Laurie A. Williams, Lisa Williams, Lola Williams, William F. Williams, Suzanne Willis, Mark A. Wilson, Janet Winters, Rusty Wirtjes, Cathy Witt, Nancy Woitynek, Tim Wonder, Earl Woods, Jennifer Word, Tom Worrall,
Mike Yeager, Nancy Yenney, Randy Yoder, Mike J. Young,
Carolyn Zrimsek, Lee Zuravel.
Class of 1978 held its 30th reunion on November 15, 2008, at the Eagle's
Club in Freeport. For more information, see their website, http://www.fhs78pretzels.com/.