![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Judith Adams, Dennis Alden, Steven Andersen, Mary Anderson, Dennis Andres, Jerry Anselme, David Arnold, Sharon Auman, Mary Auvinen,
Carl Backus, David Balthazor, Daniel Balz, William Banks, Patricia Bear, Stephen Bennett, Helen Lou Bess, Nancy Bittner, Melody Bloyer, Cynthia Boeke, Robert Boeke, Evelyn Bono, Gale Bowden, Ted Bowen, Jackqueline Bower, Susan Brauer, Diane Brechtel, Robert Brock, James Brubaker, Jennifer Budenz, Mary Bunchman, John Busker, Larry Busker,
Donna Canfield, Keith Canfield, Elizabeth Cann, Margaret Cannova, Karen Carlisle, Jeffrey Carnahan, David Carr, Mary Christensen, Connie Clark, Nancy Copoulos, Pamela Cox, Alvin Crawford, Delores Cunningham,
Gary Dagel, Donald Dash, Ronald Dash, Carol Davis, James Davis, David Daws, Sharon Dawson, Marsha Derby, Cynthia Deuth, David DeVries, Jane DeZell, Ronald Dickey, Kathy Dickman, Gerald Diehl, Gary Dikkers, Karen Dimmick, Stanley Donegan, Rebecca Drum, Alan Dunwell,
Todd Eberle, John Eells, Steven Emrick, Brian Engel, Stephen Engle, Thomas Erb, Jeanette Euler, Jean Evans, Sharon Evans,
Lynette Faist, Deena Faro, Clark Ferrell, Carol Fetter, Lawrence Fine, Brian Finkbeiner, Patricia Fischer, George Fitchner, Barbara Fortner, Charles Foutch, Robert Fransen, William Fransen, Linda French, James Fritzel,
Joyce Gage, Elaine Gagnon, Dennis Ganz, Janis Gardner, Thomas Garrett, Susan Gassman, Carol Genant, Paulette Gennovario, Philip Ginger, Kim Glidden, Nancy Geombel, Ruth Good, Francis Gorham, Adrienne Graff, Marjorie Grammont, Thomas Graves, Martha Griffo, Steven Gross, Theodore Gross, James Grow,
James Haas, Richard Haight, Barbara Hainke, John Halbin, Cheryll Hammer, Alan Hamon, Linda Hammond, David Hancock, Faye Harris, Ellen Hartman, Susan Haury, Linda Heidenreich, Sandra Heinrich, Shirley Heinrich, Jack Herbig, Carole Hillebrecht, Michael Hoefle, Robert Hoggatt, Dennis Holsinger, Hooker Holtan, Chester Homan, Julie Homan, Helena Honchar, Mary Beth Hopke, Alice Horner, Cheryl Howard, Patricia Hutmacher,
Timothy Jacobs, Carl Janicke, Martha Janis, Clara Jensen, James Joesten, Bette Johnson, Darlene Johnson, Linda Johnson, Robert Johnson, Robirda Johnson, Roger Johnson, Sandra Johnson,
David Kadarauch, Marcia Kaney, Carol Ann Karstedt, Gary Kendle, Barbara Kennedy, Nancy Kintzel, Sandra Kintzel, Gary Klever, John Kline, John Konstant, Mary Koser, Robert Kostenbader, Karen Kottman, Lyle Kuhlemeyer,
Sandra Lamm, Edward Lamping, Thomas Law, David Lawson, Robert Lawson, Leslie Lawver, Susan Leininger, Suzanne Lofquist, Roger Loper, James Lorenz, Dianne Lorenze, John Loring, Michelle Marie Loucius, James Lower, Donna Ludewig, Jeannie Ludewig, Kristine Ludwig,
Ronald Maines, Jeff Manning, Mary Jane Mantzke, Dennis Marsh, James Martin, Shelby Martin, Joseph Maurer, Sandra Maurer, Grant Maves, Harry McAllister, Margaret McAlvin, Loran McKelvey, Fredericka McNess, Paula McWilliams, Keith Meier, Marjorie Meinert, James Mettelka, Dewey Meyers, James Meyers, Nancy Meyers, Linda Millam, Ann Miller, Ruth Miller, Sherie Miller, Susan Miller, Susan Milligan, Carl Moellenberndt, Gary Monigold, William Monigold, Peggy Morrison, Janet Moss, Beverly Mulligan,
Kenneth Nelson, Mary Jane Nelson, Julana Nesbit, Elizabeth Neu, Lawrence Nieman, Mary Noeske, John Nortridge, Charlotte Nunemacher,
Michael O'Mara, Donald Ommodt, Ruth Ontjes, Lesley Opel, Susan Osheroff, Georgene Ottenhausen,
Cheri Parker, Arthur Pattat, Richard Paul, Helen Penticoff, Susan Peters, Barbara Peterson, Louise Pfender, Sylvia Pfile, Pearlie Phillips, Carl Pinnow, Mary Lou Pitterle, Allan Plapp, Susanne Pontius,
Judith Queckboerner,
Dennis Raders, John Rahn, Barbara Ramey, Penelope Ramm, Gregg Rawson, Craig Reed, Danny Reed, Donna Reints, Tina Reuber, Joanne Rickert, William Rinehart, Marianne Roach, David Rodda, Patrick Roenneburg, Lynette Rogers, Charles Rohr, Michael Rosenstiel, Sue Rosenberger, Roger Runkle, Lee Runte, Jere Ryckman,
Kathryn Sanford, William Schauer, Mark Shaye, Sheryl Scheider, Mark Shirmer, Edward Schlegel, Alice Sue Schmidt, Michael Schnierla, Darlene Schroeder, Roger Schulman, Dwight Schwendiman, Barbara Scudder, Barbara Senderke, Steven Senneff, Sherry Shenberger, Leanne Shepley, Mary Lou Shuff, Donna J. Simard, Gary Simmons, Richard Wallace Simmons, Donald Smith, Joe Smith, Linda Smith, Roger Smith, Donald Smull, James Snyder, Keith Solace, Pat Sorn, Merilynn Sowers, Judith Speilman, Sue Stackhouse, Natalie Stanton, David Stearns, Thomas Stearns, Joyce Stockton, Thomas Stricker, Jennifer Strock, Sandra Strodtman, Shirley Stone, Sylvia Stone, Mary Jane Stover, Terry Sueltman, Mary Ann Suess, Michael Sullivan, Mary Sunday, Linda Swank, Sharon Swartz,
Stephen Taylor, Genia Tedman, Susan Telin, Theodore Tempel, Richard TerHark, Vijay Thakur, Van Tharp, Lynne Toelle, Marcene Tucker, Carol Tuell, Rein Turn, Judy Tyrell,
Carol Underhill, Providence Undieme,
Peggie VanMatre, John Lester Veer,
Roger Wagner, Kenneth Waller, Donald Walter, George Walz, Donald Watz, Kathleen Weaver, Linda Weber, Karen Wehde, Linda Weier, Michael Welt, Paul White, Betty Whitehead, John Whiton, Randall Wieck, Helen Hilhelms, Dennis Williams, Jean Wilsey, June Wilsey, Kenneth Wilson, Alecia Winter, Steven Wise, Ruth Witt, Stephanie Woods,
Yeager, Judith Young.
David Kadarauch came from a musical family. He played cello for many years with the San Francisco Ballet. Here is a nice bio of him.
Highland Community College was originally started in the fall of 1962, and for the first few years was known as Freeport Community College. FCC's first graduating class was in 1964. My sister, Claudia, was in the first graduating class.
Claudia's diploma
FCC's commencement was June 4, 1964
FCC Commencement program
FCC's first graduating class
of Arts
Carol Becke, Claudia Bike, James Frisbie, Jon Lorenz, Ronald Ludewig,
Michael McLaughlin, Barbara Modica, Sharon Moss, Teresa Reel, Charmaine
Schroeder, Gary Stebbins, Susan Swift, Thomas Weigel
of Science
Larry Eichmeier, Lary Meyer, Nancy Reutner
Donald Jepsen, President, Board of Education
David Ponitz, Superintendent of Schools
Earl Hargett, Dean
Burton Brackney, Dean Elect
Robert Bartlett, Noah Bunch, Warren Burstrom, Byron Clark, James Copas,
Richard Devecchio, Richard Fagan, Woodrow Fulkerson, George Goldsworthy,
Martin Greer, Helen Grob, John Hamilton, Charles Jenkins, Neil Lathrop,
James Liebig, Norbert Mettelka, Vaden Parmenter, Thelma Phillips, Delbert
Piller, Florence White
Betty Burton, Don Capes, Ramelle Carnahan, Robert Carr, Mary Collins,
LaVerne DeMong, Frank Dunn, Gordon Eade, Wilhelm Eck, Charles Gordon,
Mary Jane Goulart, John Hartog, Marika Heard, Edsel Langdon, Eugene Marks,
Pat McBride, Elizabeth Mueller, Jack Prather, Ellen Shaner, Duane Smith,
George Troutt, Dean Walling, James Wiltshire, Elisabeth Yager
My father's 1964 license plate.
I was 16 when my parents took me to a Cubs game at the Milwaukee Braves' County Stadium on Sunday, June 7, 1964. The Cubs won, 5-2. Ernie Banks hit a 2-run homer in the fourth to give the Cubs a 2-0 lead. Hank Aaron hit a 2-run homer in the fifth to tie the game at 2. Billy Williams hit another 2-run homer in the sixth to give the Cubs a 4-2 lead. Andre Rodgers drove in Lou Brock in the top of the ninth to give the Cubs the final margin of victory. My mom, my dad and I were Cubs fans. My sister Claudia pulled for the Braves. Her favorite player, Eddie Matthews, hit a double, but didn't score.