![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
The 1929 Polaris
Volume 25
Alfred Ackerman, Harlan Altfilish, Glenn Ames, Dorothy Anderson, Winifred Aspinwall
Ethel Barnes, Robert Barrett, Virginia Best, Doris Beirau, Harold Bignall, Raymond Blei, Paul Blocker, John Brandt, Dorothy Mae Breed, Emilie Breyer, Leota Briggs, Marguerite Broughton, Gaylord Browne, James Bruce, Violet Buehler, Esther Burckhardt, Edward Burns, Ruby Busekros, Evelyn Butler
William Cahill, Paul Chronic, Beatrice Clark, Edith Bernice Clarke, Florine Clark, Evelyn Claus, Margaret Cooper, Helen Cram, Louis Cramer, Margery Cramer, Perry Cromley
Dahlmer, Floyd Derby, Florence Dreier, Louella Dreibelbis, Robert Dupee
Glen Eichmeier, Ruth Erfert, John Evers
Clifford Fawver, Phillip Fawver, Theola Feiler, Robert Fifer, Kenneth Fitchner, Katherine Flory, Cynthia Folgate, Lewis Frank, Paul Fuller
Robert Geiser, Irma Gharet, Thelma Gitz, Jane Greier, Max Gunning
Doris Hamlyn, Frances Harnish, Zara Heard, John Held, Merton Hewins, Leland Hunsiker, Esther Hurd, Dorothy Huss, Paul Hutmacher
Wilbur Irwin
Horace Jenner
Howard Keister, Marion Keith, William Klein, Kenneth Kling, Katherine Klinke, George Krehl, Bernita Kroll, Helen Kuhlemeier
Kenneth Lawver, Frances Lebkicher, Grace Lied, Glenn Lindsay, William Lorenz, Richard Loveland
Walter Mack, Robert Madden, Ross Madden, Charlotte Mallory, Jennie Manus, Marguerite Marshall, Margaret Mackenzie, Robert McNutt, Darrel Mellom, Ethel Mercier, Hazel Merkel, William Metzgar, Alice Miller, Frances Miller, John Miller, Roberta Moore, Belva Molter, Charles Murphy
Neiman, Roy Nesbit, Earl Nelson
Frederic Oberhart, Robert Ohlendorf, Wilma Opel
Ina Penwell, Arlene Perry, Harriet Phillips, E. Lucille Phillips, Leroy Pieper, Roy Pinnow, Catherine Popkes, George Price, Viola Price
Alma Rahn, Carl Rath, Eleanor Resh, Lavon Rezner, Ann Ruark, Beulah Rutherford, James Ryan
Mary Elizabeth Scanlan, May Shilling, Lois Schuman, Alice Schmertman, Leona Secker, Norma Seitz, Dorothy Sender, Mildred Severson, Bertha Shafer, Eileen Joan Shoenhard, Margaret Shouer, Marie Schmidt, Carroll Smith, Lorna Snook, William Snyder, Gladys Sorensen, Glen Sowers, Dorothy Spaide, Marian Stark, Dan Sullivan, Marian Sword
Mamie Thompson, Irvin Toelle, Viola Trunk
Helen Van Deest, Virginia Von Sennet
Mildred Walter, Mitchell Walters, Paul Watz, Marjorie Wheeland, Clyde Wiegel, Elsie Wilson, Ivah Mary Wiltrout, Philbert Winebrenner, Roy Winters, Vera Witte, Willa Wittenmeyer
Kathryn Young
The Principal in 1929 was Luther Addison Fulwider. Frank W. Phillips was superintendent of schools, Charles Cross was financial manager, Mrs. Scott was dean of girls, Naomi Kidd was secretary, and Louis Mensenkamp was in charge of testing.
Aitchison, Dramatics, English Mabel Bowers, Latin Forest Braden, Manual Arts David Brown, History Bessie Carnahan, Latin, English Helen Crowder, English Margaret Davenport, Librarian Freda Dickson, English Robert Ellis, History, Debate Leona Fife, Music Boyd Garns, Manual Arts Grace Godsey, English Karl Kubitz, Music Lucile Lindstrom, Art, Home Economics Frances Lohbauer, English, Dramatics Mary Martin, Mathematics Louis Mensenkamp, Mathematics |
Musser, English, Newswriting Helen Nelson, Physical Education Harlan Porter, Physics Allie Reitzell, Mathematics Mabel Rickansrud, Home Economics Willard Rubendall, Math, Science Adolph Rupp, History, Coach Dorothea Schmidt, French, Spanish Levon Shunk, English, Spanish Hope Smith, Commercial Ray Soliday, Science Dorles Stutzman, English Alice Thompson, Home Economics Ruth VanKessel, Commercial Helen Wheeler, Commercial Robert Wieche, Physical Ed, Coach Elizabeth Wilson, Home Economics George Zuelke, Arithmetic and Coach |
The Sophomore Class
My father, Ralph Bike was a sophomore in 1929, and this is his yearbook. He is shown in the top photo, second row from the top, wearing the light sweater just in front of the doors. He was just 14 years old when the photo was taken.
The Freeport basketball team finished third in the state in 1929.
Quarterfinals Scores
Champaign 43, Mt. Carmel 30
Freeport 30, Wheaton 28
Peoria 27, Witt 18
Johnston City 14, Lincoln 9
Semifinals Scores
Champaign 40, Freeport 24
Johnston City 19, Peoria 15
Third Place
Freeport 27, Peoria 15
Johnston City 30, Champaign 21
Freeport, coached by Adolph Rupp, finished the season 18-6.
The Tournament Squad, coached by the legendary Adolph Rupp.
Don Brewer let the tournament scoring for all teams with 26 points in three games. Danny Sullivan was fifth with 21.
Dan Sullivan, Robert Dupee, Donald Brewer, William Lorenz, Dan Schaefer, George Schmelzle, Bert Baker and Glen Sowers.
Advertising covers some of the cost of publishing the Polaris. Here's an ad from the Lindo Theater.
Old Freeport High"
(Tune"Our Alma Mater"University of Wisconsin)
years we've spent at Freeport High Chorus: Enthroned
within our hearts you'll be, I. M. W. '29 |
total enrollment for the 1928-29 school year was 864.