![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Patricia Adamson, Richard Adkins, Norman Alexander, John Allen, Sandra Allen, Peggy Altman, Robert Andregg, Laura Auvnien, Jeffrey Ayer,
Mark Babbitt, Amy Bailey, Bruce Ball, Richard Barker, Kathern Barr, Michael Barrett, Robert Basrtz, Kathryn Baxter, Patricia Baxter, Debre Baysinger, Debra Beck, William Becker, Robert Becke, Mary Beggin, John Bennehoff, Cheryl Betts, Kelly Blackiston, Donald Blasing, Susan Blehinger, Timothy Bloyer, Kurt Blumhoff, Jackquelyn Boggess, Cynthia Bolduc, David Bolen, Clifford Bollinger, Cheryl Bose, Terry Bose, John Bradbury, James Branthaver Jr., Lynn Brei, Mark Brei, Robin Brobst, Daniel Broege, Nora Brooks, Vannessa Brooks, Susan Brouhard, Patricia Brown, Danita Bruce, Janice Burgener, Duane Burlingame, Randall Bush, George Buss, Arlen Busser,
Myra Cain, Susan Cain, Ralph Calam, Mark Calderon, Eric Campbell, Andrew Cannova, Patricia Carlson, Debra Carpenter, Richard Carr, Elijah Carter, Kathy Cascio, Thomas Cassidy, Lorna Chambers, Marsha Chappell, William Christ, Brian Christen, Daniel Clark, Maria del Pilor Clavijo, Jacqueline Coates, Terry Collier, David Conley, Garry Cooley, Robin Cooley, Edward Curran, Johnathon Craft, Carol Craig, Cynthia Crawford, Dean Criddle, Todd Crounau,
Robert Dahms, Thomas Daley, Timothy Daughenbaugh, Christine Davenport, Debra Davidson, Kathryn Davis, Scott Deininger, Kirk Dexter, Waddell Dickens, Debra Diddens, Denise Diddens, DeAnn Diehl, Timothy Diehl, Sharolyn Diestelmeier, Patricia Dir, Linda Dixon, Earlene Dixon, Robert Dollinger, Dougla Donahue, Molly Donahue, Andrew Donnelly, Edward Donnelly, Lawrence Dornink, Stephen Dorsey, Teresa Duffield,
Kenneth Ebert, Joyce Eckleberry, Brenda Eells, Denis Elgin, Barney Elwood, Teresa Engel, Thomas Ennega, Cindy Entmeier, Sandra Epping, Debra Erving, Rhonda Ewalt,
Karen Fagan, Serrita Fair, Tonya Farrar, Mary Farringer, David Feh,r Charles Ferguson, Victoria Ferguson, Terri Fieldsend, Kevin Fleischer, Olivia Fleming, Robin Fogal, Barry Folgate, Kimberly Folgate, Donald Fosler, Peggy Fosler, Russell Fox, Lori Frank, Karen Fransen, Jonathan Freidog, Cathy Fullerton, Gerald Fye,
Gale Gage, Jo Ann Gale, Carlotta Ganz, Mark Garratt, Karen Garrow, Robert Gerlach, Kevin Gibbs, James Gill, Brian Gillette, Robert Gilliam, Babara Gitchel, Cather Gitter, Patrick Gokey, John Gorence, Dawn Graves, Susan Gray, Arlyn Green, Beth Greene,
Laura Haas, William Haas, David Haight, Percival Haley, Mary Hamm, Tracy Hargrove, Grant Harrell, Michael Harrenstein, Robert Harris, Steven Hartman, William Hartman, Katherine Haskins, Lorita Hayword, David Heilman, Diane Heilman, Eugene Heimann, Barbara Heinrich, Karen Heitter, Vicki Helbling, Donna Held, Justin Helpingstine, Sara Henrickson, LeRoy Herbig, Thomas Herron, Mark Hessenius, Debra Hibst, Donna Hibst, Connie Highland, Tommy Hill, Steven Hille, Pamela Holden, Todd Holtkamp, Brian Homan, Kathleen Homan, Ronald Homan, Thomas Horner, Deann Hoskinson, Douglas Howarth, Luann Huisinga, Betty Hull, Gary Hunziker,
Charles Isaac, Mark Ivanhoff,
Craig Jacobs, Gale Jamison, JoAnne Jeffrey, Scott Jenkins, Denise Johnson, Dorothy Johnson, Nancy Johnson, Twila Johnson, Victor Johnson, Beth Jones, Susan Jordan,
Julie Kant, Cynthia Katel, Deborah Kauffman, Randy Keep, Rebbecca Kelchner, Judith Keller, Michael Kemp, Mark Kent, Charles King, Georgeanne Kitchen, Kim Klahsen, Robert Klaus Jr., Judith Klenz, David Klever, Mark Kloepping, Belinda Klosa, Kirk Knodle, Debra Knowlton, Donald Kohl, Sheryl Kohler, Randal Kohn, Dale Koning, George Kort, Kathleen Kortemeier, Sally Koym, Dixie Kraft, Ricky Krahmer, John Kreeger, Craig Kroeger, Douglas Krogull, Brian Krueger, Pamela Krueger, Steve Kryder, Kevin Kubatzke, Susan Kuhlemeier, Kevin Kukla,
Lucy Lacy, Jeffrey Lamm, Margaret Langlois, Lee Lappin, Benjamin Laskye, Michele Laux, Jodene Lebaron, Mark LeBaron, Joesph Lee Jr., Crystal Leggett, Jeffrey Lehman, Douglas Leitzen, Rebbecca Leiber, Marreen Linebarger, Sherry Lingbeck, Randy Lockner, Eric Loewe, Karen Long, Vito Lotta, Douglas Loverude,
Madden, Matthew Mahoney, Debra Mandt, Julie Mann, Carrie Marks, William
Mason, Daniel Mattingly, Bradley Mau, Phillip Maves, Susan McCellan, Cynthia
McElmeel, Kevin McGinty, Kayla McMurray, Patricia Meier, Susan Meiers,
Scott Meinert, Constance Mertens, William Mertins, Debra Meyer, Kevin
Meyers, Steven Meyers, Keith Midstoke, George Miller, Kevin Miller, Stacy
Miller, Stephine Miller, Susan Miller, Stephen Mogel, Keith Moll, Beth
Monigold, James Morgridge, Wesley Morrison, Joanatan Morton, William Moyer,
Gregory Munda, Deborah Munnell, Tami Meyers,
Nancy Nanke, Jeffrey Neisemeyer, David Neumann, Barry Newman, Michael Newman, Rosemary Noe,
Nancy O'Connell, Lori Anne Oefelein, Michael O'Grady, Steven Olson, Timothy O'Neal, Marshall Otte,
Parkinson, Leonard Parks, Nadine Pash, Elizabeth Patrou, Patricia Pearson,
Stephanie Pearson, David Peterson, Jeffrey Peterson, Mary Petrakis, Jeffrey
Picha, Robin Pieper, Connie Piggues, Denise Plahutnik, Connie Pohill,
Steven Pohill, Howard Powell, Martha Prather, Ella Prince, John Pykulyk,
Lucinda Quittschreiber,
Steven Rafferty, Cristal Randall, Katherine Recoy, Wilfred Reddies, Gloria Reed, Bonita Regez, Ricki Retzlaff, Andy Richardson, Richard Robbins, Helen Robson, Barbara Rosenberger, Steven Ruckman, Debra Ruthe, Vicky Ruthe, Blane Ryan, Elizabeth Ryan,
Saar, Cindy Sager, Gregory Sager, Steven Sager, Kirk Salmela, Yvonne Salter,
Larry Saunders, Mary Sarb, Dawn Saxby, Karen Schardt, Majorie Schalow,
Janet Schasker, David Schrimer, William Schlamp III, Debra Schmelzer,
Denise Schmelzer, Daniel Schmertman, Brian Schmoll, Rick Schneider, Wayner
Schneider, Christy Schubert, Micheal Schubert, Steven Schultz, Barbara
Schofield, Terri Schofield, Tanya Seals, Jeffrey Secke,r Kevin Seeds,
Richard Seefeldt, James Seiver, Karen Sewell, Kathryn Shain, Stanley Sherman,
Wanda Shipp, Dawne Shirley, Flora Simmons, Jimmie Simmons, Kimberly Simmons,
Mark Smith, Elisabeth Sohlberg, Mark Soladay, Gilbert Sommer III, William
Spangler, Robin Springer, Terry Stage, Kimberly Stanley, Patrick Steele,
Carol Stees, Jill Steime, Alana Stewart, Beverly Stith, Mark Stocker,
Theodore Sturgeon II, Cheri Stykel, Aaron Suggs, Patricia Suggs, Joyce
David Tellekson, James Thomas, Charles Thompson, Debra Thompson, Scott Thompson, Ann Timmersman, Brian Tippetts, Mark Tonini, Patricia Trampel, Lois Tricker, Marlene Tripplett, Brian Tucker, Angela Turner,
Mary Unger, Brigitte Untersulzner,
Eric Vaterlous, Melody Vehmeier, Vicki Vehmeier, Sharon Vickers,
Leon Wachtel, Marlyn Watts, Merrily Weld, Ricci Werntz, Daniel Wessel, Jeffrey White, Jimmie Whitehead, Michael Wichman, Randal Wichman, Todd Wiley, Scott Wilhelms, William Willets, Diana Williams, LaTonia Williams, Cameron Wilson, Mark Wilson, Rory Wirtjes, Douglas Witt, Jay Witte, Dionis Wolf, Wayne Wolf, James Wonder, Daniel Worral, Thomas Wright,
Debra Yenney,
Charles Zannis, Nancy Zrimsek,
Name list provided by Denise Diddens Dykstra, Class of 1975.
Commencement program submitted by Jeff Chlupsa.
Above & below, 1975 Diploma scans
provided by Denise Diddens Dykstra, Class of 1975.
following scans from the 1975 Polaris
were provided by Denise Diddens, Class of 1975.
The teachers went on strike.
the 1975 Senior Class.
Below, the instructors and staff.
Gary Dyke, Thomas Littrell, Rosalee Rockman
Audio Visual and Library
Pauline Adelman, Eileen Diestelmeier, Doris Hannah,
Mary Ellen McPherson, Warren Schuster
Band and Music
Joseph Doolittle, Dorothy Nelson
Business Ed
Diane DeWitt, Gordon Grey, William Guyman
Business Ed
Susan Kottke, Suzanne Lee, Gerald Spinner
Deans of Students
Douglas Baldwin, Roosevelt Banks
Edward Brog, Kathleen Martin, Marcia Mode
Driver's Ed
Elizabeth Heiland, Wesley Luedeking, Alex McKnight
Robert Hendrickson, Linda Keith, Bruce Minteer, Edith Olmstead
Jane Piegner, Karen Smith, Lois Teesdale, Sue Walbury
Barbara Henderson, Terry Blankenship, Larry Boller
Rosella Burstrom, Mabel Busekros, Peggy Coppernoll
Ralph Enstrom, Robert Estrin, Raymond Exum
Jill Barger
Guidance Counselors
Robert Bierie, Elaine Smith, Diane White, Lynn Wilson
Social Studies
William Chance, James Cole
Sidney Felder, Ronald Hatfield
Social Studies
Joyce Baltzer Hirtle, Daniel Humay
RichardLumby, Margaret Schaus
Home Economics
Mary Jane Evans, Lillian Matthiesen, Dilys Midstokke
Language Arts
Katherine Cordes, Mary Ann deWerff
Language Arts
Dennis Holsinger, Rachel McKeel, Donald Zamzow
Walter Hoffman, Donald Hunziker, Barbara Johnston
Mary Lynn Kovac, Charlotte Krinsky, Robert Luedeke
Carl Reuter, Raymond Robbins, Gerald Straks
Occupational Education
Myron McLain, Francine Sarb
Physical Education
Farrel Benefiel, Nadine Boyer, Rick Davis, Nate Johnson
Ronald Norman, Ervin Olson, Donna Reed, Sandra Toerber
Advisors, Office Staff
Verla Burgener, Donna Conti, Nancy Donahue
Doctor Evans, Janice Harrenstein, William Kleckner
Willard Prynn, Florence Schoonhoven, Marie Schult
Dwayne Ayer, Douglas Firebaugh, John Hull,
Edsel Langdon
Russ Merrill, Kathleen Nelson, Minor Ocker, Paul Wieland
Vocational Skills
DeWayne Burck, Richard DeHahn, Michael Deutscher,
Eugene Marks, Terrance O'Neill
Burlingame took up weight lifting at the age of 40.
Competing in powerlifting, he currently has eight World titles, 22 World Cup titles, 68 national titles, and 82 regional titles.
He holds the Illinois record in the 54-60 age group for deadlifting 601.8 pounds, almost triple his weight of 204 pounds.
Duane also trains other athletes to become drug-free power lifters.