![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Thelma Abels, Joyce Ackerman, Tom Adamson , Wendy Albert, Kay Alden, Larry Allen, Debra Ames, Beth Anderson, Mary Lou Anderson, Sally Appel, Nancy Artman, Brian Aupperle,
Steve Babcock, John Badger, Cynthia Baker, Bruce Baldwin, Phil Bankester, Beverly Barnes, Michael Barr, Jack Barron, Thomas Bauer, Vicky Bear, Ronald Beck, Pam Beer, Tom Belk, Anna Bell, Victoria Bergren, Rose Beyer, Gary Blair, Linda Blasing, Wendy Blasing, Randy Blask, Jim Blum, Crystal Boelkes, Wendy Boettner, Cynthia Borchers, Brian Borger, Bruce Bounds, Jeff Bowers, Joel Bowers, William Bowman, Debbie Boyer, Frances Boyett, David Bradbury, Ralph Bradt, Debbie Brandt, Ronald Brandt, Becky Bratley, Nancy Breo, Kent Brobst, L. Scott Brodnick, Connie Broege, John Brooks, Greg Brown, Joyce Brown, Evelyn Bruce, Janet Bruce, Regina Bruce, David Brunette, Ann Buisker, Charlene Buss,
Doug Camerer, James Carey, Richard Carmody, Sue Carpenter, Sandy Carroll, Robert Cassell, Mary Cassidy, Robert Chamberlin, John Chapman, Debra Chezem, Steve Chlupsa, James Clark, Peggy Clark, Marcia Coffey, Terry Collalti, Ruby Collier, Bobbie Collins, Doug Coppernoll, Jeff Coppernoll, Susan Cowan, Richard Craig, John Cramer, Lisa Cronau, Louvin Cross,
Elizabeth Dailey, Craig Dale, James Daniels, Keith Dassing, Kevin Dassing, Jan Daterman, William Daughenbaugh, Danny Davidson, Brian Davis, Sally Davis, Rebecca Derenski, Doug DeWall, Clarence Dickens, David Diddens, Larae Diehl, Steve Diehl, Steven Ditzler, Pat Dixon, Kim Dominick, Bill Dorsey, Juliann Dort, Steve Dougherty, Wayne Downing, David Downs, Rosalyn Dunson,
Eder, Garry Edison, Robert Eilders, Janet Embry, Steve Emo, Kelly Engel,
Debbie Entmeier, Gloria Erving, Gayle Erwin, Rita Eustice, Aaron Ezell,
Floyd Farrar, Pam Farringer, Doug Felder, Jim Fenton, Concetta Fertitta, Bobby Fields, Marilyn Finkston, Bob Fleischer, Rose Flickinger, Nancy Fluegel, Randy Folgate, Debbianne Fortney, Tom Fosler, Darcey Frederick, Jim Freidag, Greg Frint,
Ben Gallagher, Kathy Jo Gentz, Kevin Gerloff, Myron Gingrich, Steve Gitz, Janet Glasgow, Steve Green, Karen Griebel, Louise Groves, Richard Guzzardo,
Chad Hageman, Kathleen Hammond, Joyce Hansey Hunt, Tara Hanson, Bruce Harbach, Sarah Harrell, Jeff Harrenstein, Tom Hartman, Hiroyo Hasegawa, Mary Kay Hasse, Lark Hasselman, Jeff Hawkins, Sandy Hawley, Richard Heiden, Allen Heilman, Brad Heilman, Rodney Heise, Rodney Heitter, Gary Helbling, Dave Hepner, Dennis Herbig, Sally Hermsmeier, Aaron Herron, Corinne Hessenius, Craig Hessenius, Paul Heuser, Linda Hibst, Mary Hickox, Kim Hill, Kristie Hill, Gary Hille, Roger Hirshbrunner, David Hoff, Richard Hofmaster, Tim Holbert, Tim Holden, Sue Hollis, Dena Homan, Tony Honchar, Sam Horner, David Howarth, Pam Huenefeld, James Hughes, Kathne Hughes, Mike Hybarger,
Keith Ingram,
Jane Jacobson, Steve Jansen, Barb Jeffrey, Carolyn Johnson, Cindy Johnson, Kim Johnson, Cheryl Jones, Curtis Jones, Mark Jones, Sedalia Jones, Vanessa Jones, Dennis Jordan,
Randy Kaiser, Patricia Kasper, James Kehl, Jr., William Keister, Lynne Keith, Roberta Keyes, Carol Kintzel, Kim Kinzig, Robert Klapp, Dave Kleckner, Brad Kleindl, Steve Klever, Bruce Knecht, Steven Knight, Linda Knodle, Diana Knutti, Dave Koertner, Nancy Koertner, Beth Koester, Alan Koester, Sue Kohlmeier, Maxine Koning, Debbie Koon, David Kortemeier, Dave Kraft, Jan Krogull, Greg Krueger, Becky Kuhlemeier, Michelle Kunz,
Larry Lacy, Duane Lamm, Gary Law, Kim Lawler, Mark Lawson, Jean Leahy, Lisa LeBaron, Ted Leeson, Wendy Lehman, Clara Leiser, Jim Lemanski, Brian Levingston, Ken Lewis, Elinor Libberton, Maurice Jeffrey Lindquist, Gary Lingbeck, Kathie Linneman, William Liscom, III, Cynthia Loring, Hope Loring, Chuck Luthin,
Jim Mack, Valeria Maines, Jeanette Makeley, Phyllis Manning, Steve Marassa, Nelson Margaret, Debbie Martin, John Mason, Jim A. Mattingly, Jeff Matz, Wayne McCarthy, Kelvin McGee, LaFrancine McGee, Mindy McGill, Mike McIlvanie, Jean McIntyre, Beth McKnight, Lynn McMurray, Rae McMurray, Tom. Medler, Deb Meiers, Nathan Meiers, Don Meinders, Fred Meinert, Denise Mergen, James Meyers, James Meyers, Ricky Meyers, Paul Midstokke, Doug Mihelick, Peggy Moen, Doug Mogle, Dave Monigold, Linda Moore, Richard Moore, Vickie Mordick, Darryl Mullens,
Nesemeyer, Dennis Neumann, Janet Nevenhoven, Steve Niedermeier, Luann
Nieman, Clarence Norman,
Jerry O'Connell, Kathy O'Grady, Albert O'Neal, Greg Ohlinger, Gloria Olson, Tom Olson, Alison Opel, Emily Oppenheimer, Jim Osterberger,
Donna Parker, Susan Parks, Bunny Paul, Florence Pearson, Marsovena Pearson, Wendy Pearson, Lynne Peigler, James Penniston, Heidi Perez, Barry Peters, Donna Peterson, Susan Peterson, Wendy Pieper, Lynn Plata, David Pommerening, Linda Powell, Kevin Preston, Lulu Prince, Brian Pruitt,
LaFonda Quiggle,
C. Kirk Ray, James Readeker, Bill Reed, Debra Reed, Greg Reed, Julie Reed, Chad Reedy, Larry Rhea, Denise Rhodes, Joanne Richards, Randy Richart, Wilford Robertson, Jonathan S. Roe, Liana Roe, Janet Rogers, Cathy Rohde, Paul H. Rose, Jim Rosenberger, Terry Rosentiel, Arlene Ross, Alta Runkle, Debbie Ruthe,
Cathy Saar, Michael Sabin, Peter Sanders, Kathy Schasker, Jody Schlamp, Steven Schlamp, Bill Schmelzer, Clarence Schoenard, John Schofield, Jodi Schoonover, Susan Schopf, Curtis Schroeder, Marlys Schultz, Mike Schultz, Chris Schwartz, Anne Secker, Mark Seely, Georgia Sellers, Steve Sewell, Debbie Shaffer, Charles Sherman, Jr., Lynetta Sherman, Cindy Shick, Debra Shields, Arthur Shipp, Robert Shippy, Debbie Short, Herbert Shorter, Ken Shuey, Lynn Shuey, Susan Siemens, Marc Simenson, Candy Sisler, Mike Smith, Mike S. Smith, Brian Snyder, Twyla Snyder, Donna Solowjow, Dianne Spielman, Michael St. Ores, Coleen Stake, Frank Stebbins, David Steenrod, Steve Steingraeber, Rebecca Stemm, Claudia Stephenson, Ann Stevning, Richard Stewart, Scott Stewart, Nancy Stockton, Robert Stone, Sandra Strohacker, DeWayne Sturtevant, Jackie Stykel, Debra Swalve, Jeffrey Swanberg, Larry Swanson, Holly Swift,
Jeffrey Taylor, Roberta Thomas, Jesse Thruman, David Timmersman, Steve Tipton, Linda Tracy, Mary Trevillian, Davon Trimble, Sandra Truckenmiller, Carol Tubman, Deborah Turner,
Jim Valtonburg, Joe Vaughan, Helen Vautsmeier, Theresa Veer, Cindy Vondran,
Martha Wachlin, Tanice Wachlin, Jim Walter, David Weber, Kevin Wenzel, Mary Whalen, Keith Wheat, Tom Whipple, Bonnie White, Michael White, Randy Whitson, Shelley Wiegand, Donald Wierzycki, Gary Wilhelms, Bill Williams, Diane Williams, Michael Williams, Craig Wilson, Dennis Wilson, Karen Wilson, Jan Winter, Adrienne Winter, Keith Winters, David Wirtjes, Ransom Wolf, Susan Worthington, Earleen Wyatt,
Pam Yount,
Zimmerman, Ellen Zrimsek.