![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
1957 Polaris cover
scan from Fred Kluth, Class of 1959
James L. Anderson, Nancy Arbogast, Joyce Ascher, Thomas Auvinen,
James Babb, Dixie Lee Baker, Thomas E. Bartell, Carole Elizabeth Beldin, Chester Bennett, Aletha Mae Bergman, Jerry Best, John Bishop, Ruth Boelk, Robert Bookman, Janet Boyer, Robert Bryant, Stephen Burrell, Frederick Busker,
Roscoe Carnahan, Ann Carpenter, Willie Carroll, Earl Castle, Barbara Chambers, Lawrence Chappell, Donald Clark, Michael Clark, Philip Collati, James Cox, Cyrus Crothers Jr., Larry Cummins,
Janet Dash, Marvin DeBoer, Geraldine DeVon, Daniel Dickinson, William Diehl, Carol Dinderman, Judith Ann Ditsworth, Jean Ann Dorman, David M. Downey, Marlene Kay Downing, Marcia Rose Dunwell, Judith Kay Durant, Ralph Clayton Dyson, Vivian Marie Dyson,
Harriet Edith Eaton, Deedrie Eden Ellis, John S. Ellis, Nancy Lee Erdman,
Jean Ann Fahey, Thelma Fambro, Kermit Farrar, Ed Farringer, Patricia Fink, Burdette Fisher, Wayne Fogel, Helen Dee Fortney, Linda Franklin, Herbert Freel, Jerry Lee Freese, Rosalinde Frey, Jeffrey Fritzlen, Janet Fritzenmeier, Patricia Ann Fye,
David A. Gantt, Marilyn Jean Gantz, Gary W. Gastman, William K. George, James A. Gilliland, Corey Gillette, Marilyn Elizabeth Gorham, Virginia Lee Gorham, Marlene Kay Gorman, Barry F. Groves, Nancy Jean Gustafson, A. Quentin Grammont,
Arlan F. Haas, Jack E. Hannah, Patricia Ann Harnish, Shirley Jean Harnish, Mary Lynne Heidenreich, Roger E. Heim, Josephine P. Heitz, Judith Helsinger, Judith Henze, Mary Lou Herdman, Arthur F. Herendeen, Eugene G. Hesselbacher, Gerald Hickman, Glenn A. Hoefer, Richard James Holbert, Daniel D. Huntley,
Gerald T. Inch,
Gerald E. Jeffrey, Mary Elizabeth Johanson, Delbert Winston Johnson, Mary Ann Johnson, Floyd Jones, Larry V. Julius, Richard T. Julius,
Kenneth L. Kahl, David Don Kaiser, Wanda Lea Kaiser, Roger E. Karrick, Richard Elmer Kasch, Carole R. Kasten, Rita Rose Kasten, Cheryl Kay Keith, C. Covil Kerlin, Thomas J. Kerlin, Arlyn K. Kielsmeier, Diane Gail Kinman, Elizabeth J. Kintzel, Charles R. Kirchberg, Thomas D. Kirkpatrick, Larry J. Kistler, Royce E. Kittoe, Janet Joyce Kleckler, Helen K. Klontz, Robert Charles Kneller, Barbara E. Knodle, Milton K. Koester, Wanita Jean Konstant, Irma Laveda Kramer, Dale Kubatske, William John Kubitz, Barbara Jean Kuehl, Marilee Jean Kuehl, Annette Marie Kuhlemeier, William L. Kuntz Jr.,
Diane Kathleen Lamb, Ronald William Landgraf, Judy Ann Larsen, Kathleen E. Lietz, Albert William Lindenman, William L. Lower, Sandra Jean Ludewig,
Jim Wayne Mantzke, Linda Lou Marassa, Vernon S. McDonald, Nellie Elizabeth Mease, Phyllis Ann Meeker, Sara Marie Mellom, Edward W. Meyers, Judith Ann Meyers, Roberta Meyers, William Harold Meyers, Arthur T. Miles, Janice Lynn Miller, Marilyn M. Miller, Robert Leonard Miller, Marjorie Louise Monigold, Joyce Ann Morse, Charlene Marie Moyer, James W. Murphy, Karen Kay Myers,
Della Marie Neuman, Sharon Joan Nevenhoven, Karl Henry Nienhuis, Sara Jane Noeske, William R. Norton,
Glen Edward Otto,
Judith A. Paar, Norma Jean Palmer, Mary A. Parker, Nancy L. Parkin, Charles W. Penticoff, Janis K. Phillips, Ronald R. Picking, Donald R. Pierce, Sharon K. Pinnow, Barbara K. Porter, James Richard Price,
Lynda Lee Raih, Larry E. Reel, Donald K. Regez, Alice Reintz, Richard J. Reynolds, Ronald O. Richter, Sharon Amy Rinderman, Joe E. Rosenstiel Jr., Carol Rudy, James Russell Rush, Bonita F. Russell, Richard G. Rutter,
Carl Dale Sanman, Mary Sue Sauer, Sylvia Sue Schrader, Gary R. Schroeder, Bette Mae Schult, Martha Vera Scovill, James M. Seeman, Judith Ann Shaw, Carolyn Marie Sheetz, Janica Faye Shelly, William Andrew Shepherd, James F. Sieck, Richard J. Smith, Gerald J. Sofran, Russell Calvin Spencer, James Robert Stadermann, Patricia Jean Stallard, Emerson J. Stees, Karen Kay Steffen, Linda Jean Steffen, Sally Ann Stout, Carolyn Ann Sward, Sandra June Symanek,
Oather L. Taylor, Beverly Ann Thompson, Charles Franklin Triplett,
Carol Laura Uthlaut,
James Vallarta, Gerald A. Van Loh, Larry L. Vehmeier,
Ronald Lester Wagand, Katherine Wagens, John P. Watz, Patricia June Wirsing, Roger M. Wisdom, Anita L. Wolfe, Donald E. Workinger, Walter Wuthrich Jr.,
Leland Yoder, Delores Ann Young, Diane Margo Young.
Name help provided by Fred Kluth, Class of 1959.
Photos from the aftermath of the December 20, 1957, St. John Church fire.
My father's 1957 license plate.
My grandfather's 1957 plate went onto his new 1957 Chevy.
My 1956-1957 bicycle license plate.
1957 Burgess Battery ad.
Dairy calendar.