![]() Robert BikeLicensed
Massage Therapy #5473
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Gregory Aaby, Daniel Ackerman, Joseph Adams, Anthony Addison, Douglas Aebly, Gary Aeling, Tammy Aeling, Mark Alden, Kristi Allen, Randall Allen, Brian Altensey, Perry Altensey, Gerald Andersen, Kelli Andersen, Stephanie Andersen, Eric Anderson, Teresa Anderson, Carol Andrews, Dana Anzalone, Brian Apel, Rhonda Ayers,
Laura Baldwin, Lisa Barber, John Bardell, Stephen Bardell, Pamela Barrett, Micheal Bastian, James Bauscher, Brian Bawinkel, Dana Beach, Jeffrey Beam, James Benson, Kathryn Bigelow, Mary Bilski, Michael Blagoue, Steven Blasing, Ricky Bledsoe, Doreen Blunt, Dennis Boatright, William Bollon, John Bose, Jeffrey Bouray, Beth Bowen, Laura Brandt, Kelly Brawner, Kerry Brendemuehl, Becky Brentner, Mary Brentner, Michelle Broach, Donna Broge, Michael Brooks, Timothy Brooks, Larry Brown, Leonard Brown, Allan Browne, Michael Brubaker, Brian Bruce, Bonita Brumfield, Michael Brunette, Kevin Burnett, Kevin Burnside, Michelle Buss, Mark Byerley,
Lisa Calderon, Timothy Calderon, Michael Campbell, Lee Carlson, Stephanie Carlson, Kenneth Carter, Pamela Carter, Sarah Carter, Michael Casey, Diane Cassidy, Robin Chaffin, Tracy Chaplin, Kathryn Christensen, Christine Chung, James Clark, David Clock, John Coble, Terry Colebaugh, Tracy Collier, Terry Collins, Phillip Conley, Sandra Conners, Eileen Conway, Saray Cooley, Jeffrey Cowman, Deanna Crase, Dana Crone, David Crowell, Rhonda Cummins, Karen Currie, Cynthia Cusack,
Laurie Dammann, Christine Davis, Jeffrey Davis, Kimberly Davis, Kelly DeBoer, Kerry DeBoer, Terry DeBoer, Debra Deitz, Jilane Delzell, Kimberly Diel, Anthony DiModica, Susan Ditsworth, Jennifer Doden, John Domino, Janelle Dorsey, Michael Drury, Troy Dunn, Connie Dyson, Valerie Dyson,
Laura Eaglin, Barbara Eastman, Geoffrey Eckert, Brian Eden, Timothy Eels, Kathryn Ehrler, Stephanie Eilers, Scott Eller, George Ellis, Barrett Engebretson, Rickey Ennis, Keith Entwistle, Terry Ernst, Natalie Euells, Pamela Euells, Mavis Euler, Ben Ezell,
Colleen Fairbairn, Larry Fairbairn, Scott Farrar, Suzanne Faull, Edward Featherston, Timothy Featherston, Michele Firebaugh, John Fitzsimmons, Jolene Fleming, Julie Fleming, Kenneth Fleming, Patrick Foley, Brian Folk, Gary Fontana, Jodi Foutch, Karla Fox, Robert Frederick, Lisa Frey, Michael Fricke, Bridgette Fricks, Todd Fryer, Christine Full,
Antoinette Gage, Robert Gale, Rose Gale, Tanya Gale, William Gale, James Gallagher, Scott Garman, Lisa Garrett, Rhonda Garwick, George Gassman, William Gassman, Jodi Gempler, Eric Godfrey, Marna Gossett, Ginger Graff, Cathy Gronner, John Groves, Judy Guderyon, Angela Gustafson,
Cheryl Haas, Kelly Haight, Beth Haines, Colleen Hake, Ronald Hall, Brian Hammond, Lisa Harrenstein, Colleen Harris, Anita Hawkins, Sandra Hayward, Mark Healy, Steven Heck, Laurie Heiden, Stephan Helman, Barrie Hendrickson, Marina Henk, Kevin Herbig, Jamie Herold, Denise Herron, Tammy Hessenius, Paul Hinkley, Tom Hocraffer, Karen Hoefle, John Hollis, Leslie Holloway, Sheri Holmes, Daniel Hood, Theresa Hoster, Andrew Hotek, Sue Houghton, Lori Houy, Debra Howarth, Denita Hughes, Donald Hull, Dennis Hunziker,
Alicia Inneken, Bernard Ivory,
Doris Jackson, Tommy Jackson, Kevin Jacobs, Robert Jacobs, Susan Jinkins, Darryl Johnson, Lynette Johnson, Samara Johnson, Ann Johnston, Michael Joiner, Debra Jones, Dean Jordan, Troy Julius,
Scott Kaiser, Christine Kalina, Dawn Kane, Melody Kant, Richard Kask, Thomas Kasprzak, Tammy Keep, Seong Keister, David Kenneke, Deborah Kerber, Gary Kerchner, Jay Kieffer, Robert Kieffer, Holly Kielsmeier, Angela King, Michael King, Russell Kirk, Annette Kish, Greg Kittoe, Brenda Klapp, Sarah Klaus, Stacy Klinger, Gunnard Kluck, James Knapp, Kimberly Knapp, Kevin Kneller, Eric Kohlbauer, Ronald Kohlbauer, Christina Kolb, Brian Kortemeier, Karra Kosmos, Laura Kruse, Terri Kubatzke, Kip Kuhlemeier, Jeffrey Kuniej, Kelly Kunkle, Robert Kurtz, Wendy Kurtz, Kendra Kutzke,
Kimberly Lamm, Lisa Lamm, Kimberlee Lamoreux, Lane Last, Lori Leather, Karen Leonard, Robert Liggett, LaDonna Lilya, Bonnie Lorfeld, Floyd Chip Losco,
Jodi MacKenzie, Dana MacMartin, David Maglietta, Robin Maher, Jack Maltry, Jeanine Mann, Mary Martin, Steven Martin, Deanne Matthews, Daniel Mauer, Julie Maves, Gary Maxwell, David McCarthy, Emmite McClellan, Pamela McClellan, Sandra McClellan, Vincent McClellan, Karen McGath, Patricia McGee, Sheila McGee, Verle McGee, Michael McGraw, John McKeel, Scott McKeever, Sally McLain, Robert Medina, Andrea Mellom, Kimberly Mennengae, Laura Mercier, Timothy Mercier, Kathleen Meyer, Bryan Meyers, John Moderow, Richard Molter, Midge Moore, Ronald Moore, Lisa Mordini, Trenice Morgan, Theodore Mosher, Timothy Munson, Susan Murphy, Bart Myers, Monique Myers,
Stephen Nauman, Nancy Nesemeyer, Rebecca Neumann, Eric Nickel, Debra Niesman, Denise Nye,
Karen O'Connor, Tammy Ocker, Johathan Olson, Susanne Olson, Jacqueline Orme, Carolyn Oudekerk,
Jeffrey Parks, Kelly Pearson, Kimberly Pehl, Gary Peterson, Candis Pieper, James Piland, Brian Poffenberger, Kenneth Polhill, Terri Polhill, Melody Pontnack, Troy Pople, Maureen Prather, Emilie Pratt, Leslie Prince,
Christopher Raders, Louise Raih, Virginia Rauch, Richard Recoy, Sara Reed, Nadine Regez, Lisa Reuber, Julie Richey, Barry Robbins, David Robeson, Debra Robieson, Demetra Robinson, Vicki Rodebaugh, Scott, Roemer, Kathryn Roethlisberger, Rex Rogers, Daniel Rose, Sharon Rose, Duane Rosemeier, Kim Rosenwinge, Jeffrey Ross, Cherie Runkle, Steven Ryan,
Patricia Sager, Wanda Sager, Barbara Saldecki, Chip Sanders, Kathy Sauer, Roy Scarpato, Linford Schatz, Julie Scovel, Andrew Scudder, Anthony Scudder, John Schulz, Stephen Scofield, Donald Seiple, Karl Seuring, Scot Shadle, Alicia Shankland, Leon Shelly, John Shenberger, Michael Short, Michael Shorter, Todd Sicklinger, Tina Siegmeier, Linda Sigafus, Denise Simmons, Percy Simmons, Amy Skow, Anthony Sloan, Bradley Sloan, Angela Smith, Todd Smith, Sandra Snyder, Timothy Sofran, Karl Sohlberg, Timothy Sorn, Pamela Spahn, Steven Spaide, Mary Speicher, Kurtis Spradlin, Mary St. Andrews, Randy Stabenow, Ann Stadel, Patricia Staicar, Andrew Stees, Brian Steinhagen, Michael Stickley, Kathryn Stimpert, Dean Stoehr, Philip Stott, Tom Summers, Vincent Swanson, Susan Swaim, Clark Swift,
Brenda Tackett, Penny Taggart, Frank Tallman, Todd Taylor, Douglas Tempel, Alan Terhark, Kathy Thiel, Gary Thiltgen, Craig Thomas, Tammy Thomas, Brenda Thompson, Charles Threadgill, Christine Thruman, Lynnette Thurman, Douglas Toepfer, Mark Toepfer, Thomas Tormohlen, John Toyne, Paul Toyne, Gail Tricker, Dean Truman, Michelle Turner,
Kathi Untersee, Mark Urban,
Lisa Van Brocklin, Valerie Vandemark, Crystal VanHeeren, Stephanie Veasley, Dwayne Vogt, LaVonne Voss,
Keven Wade, Martha Wagner, Teresa Wagner, Barbara Wahler, Sara Wallace, Neil Waller, Kevin Warner, Eric Watter, Donna Watts, Thomas Welch, Sandra Wellman, Barbara C, Wells, Laura Wendt, Troy White, Rudy Wierenga, Laurie Wilhelms, Penny Wilkinson, Peter Willging, Albert Williams, Amy Williams, David Williams, Paulette Williams, David Winsel, Susan Wise, Earnestine Wittfield, Jay Woolcock, Scott Worthington, Leslie Wright, Robert Wright,
David Young, Rodney Young,
Laurie Zubaty, Susan Zulke.
From the 1982 Polaris with names from the 1980 Polaris.