![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Janice Ackerman, Susan Adamson, David Alden, Robert Aldrich, Patrick Almdale, Colleen Amans, Kathleen Anderson, Alan Asche,
Linda Balles, Martin Balsamo, James Bangs, James Barkau, Howard Barr, Daniel Barron, Cheri Barthel, Jean Bavan, Shirley Bawinkel, Darryl Bell, Laura Bell, Westly Bender, Thomas Benefiel, Donald Bergemann, Kathleen Bernstein, Lee Bichinger, Francis Bielec, Victoria Bishop, Robert Blue, James Boeke, Melody Boeke, Terry Boeke, Dave Boettner, Ronald Boland, Mary Boll, Gerald Bower, Vicki Bratley, Beth Brechtel, Stephen Brei, Steven Brill, Gerald Brown, Betsy Brubaker, Larry Buisker, Sally Burck, Betty Burdick, Cheryl Burris, Joel Busker, Charles Buss, Cheryl Buss,
Stephanie Cain, Harry Campbell, Leslie Campbell, James Carr, Barbara Carroll, Cindy Carter, Earlene Chester, Lawrence Clark, Linda Clark, Susan Clayton, Katrina Clower, Robert Collier, Michael Collin, James Collins, Stephen Conter, Barbara Cook, Leslie Cook, Susan Coon, Thomas Coon, William Covert, Vicki Cox, Donna Culp, Stephen Culver, Anita Curran, Cynthia Currier,
Vicki Dagel, Stephen Daughenbaugh, Barbara Davis, Geraldine Davis, James Davis, David DeGan, Linda Denton, Jean DeStefano, Miriam DeVries, Terry DeWall, James Dezell, Kathleen Dickinson, Randy Diehl, Kurt Dikkers, Daniel Dixon, Sally Dixon, Donald Jan Doelker, Susan Dominguez, Deborah Dominick, James Dorsey, Michael Dreibelbeis, Karen Drenner, Debra Duitsman, Catherine Durham, Patricia Durham,
Charlotte Earlenbaugh, Patricia Earlenbaugh, Regina Eberle, Gary Eilders, Donald Elsey, Donald Engle, Jonathan Engle, Robert Engles, Gary Erdmeier, Cindy Erwin, John Euler,
Teresa Farr, Daryl Fenton, Sandra Fieldsend, Colleen Finley, Deborah Fitz, Paula Fontana, Thomas Frakes, Cheryl Frankenfield, James Fransen, Diane Fritzenmeier, John Fyock,
Patricia Garrett, Peter Garrity, John Geiken, June Gingrich, Arnold Givens, Ann Godber, Catherine Gouker, James Grabow, James Graham, James Graves, Patricia Graves, Judith Green, Roger Grenoble, Michael Groff, James Groshans, Terry Groves, Jane Guenzler,
James Haas, Shelley Halvorson, Brian Hamon, Cynthia Hancock, Jack Hartman, Sharon Hartman, John Hawes, Roger Heidenreich, Steven Heidenreich, Donald Heilman, Richard Heinrich, Steven Heitter, Donald Herbig, Marcia Herbig, Nancy Hilden, Mark Hill, Michael Hiveley, Cynthia Hoelscher, Eric Holdeman, Steven Hollister, William Holm, Johnse Holt, Jean Homan, Vladimer Honchar, Curtis Horstmeier, Kenneth Howard, Nancy Hutchinson,
Joseph Ils, Mark Isham,
Aldria Jackson, Kristine Jacobs, Kenneth Johnson, Linda Johnson, Terry Johnson, Daniel Jones, Steven Jungen,
Nancy Kaiser, Sandra Kaney, Steven Kasch, Geraldine Kasper, Fred Kasten, Wayne Keil, Cheryl Kelchner, Kathleen Kendle, Richard Kerkhoff, Christine Ketelhut, David Ketelhut, Dale Kirby, Bonnie Klapp, Beverly Klaus, Dixie Klenz, Denise Kline, Katherine Kline, Gary Lee Klinger, Penny Koenig, Kandis Kohn, John Kokx, Barbara Kraft, Allen Kraus, Patrick Krupke, Carl Kruse, Todd Kryder, Timothy Kupetz, Darrell kurtz, Karen Jean Kutzke,
Sharon Lacher, Robert Lamm, Kittrin Lappin, Jeffrey Laux, Gerald Lawson, Toni Lease, Daniel Leiby, Sally Lenz, Willie Lewis, Thomas Lincoln, Jayme Linder, Lynn Lizer, Russell Loverude, Vickey Lower, Karen Luettig, George Lybarger, Diana Lyons,
Eric Mac Adam, Valentina Maiewskij, Randall Maines, Patrick Manske, Richard Marassa, Stephen Marks, Terry Marsh, David Marske, Douglas Marske, Thomas Matthews, Mary Maurer, Teresa Maurer, Janice Maynard, Peter McClanathan, James McGrath, Alton McIlvanie, Jeffrey McKinney, Ella McNair, Rebecca McNeilly, Michael McWilliams, John Mellnick, Larry Meyers, Larry L. Meyers, Patrick Michael, Rose Michael, Danny Miller, Vicky Mitchell, Becky Monigold, Shirley Monigold, Norman Morey, James Morrow, Norma Mosiman, James Moss, Kathleen Mudore, Vicky Murphy, Rita Murray, Alan Myers, Kathleen Myers,
Jill Nash, Virginia Newberry,
Linda O'Connell, Claudien O'Neal, Maggie O'Neal, Kent Olson, Justine Oltmann, Charlotte Ottenhausen, Dwayne Owen, Sheryl Oye,
Laura Parks, Kay Parriott, Wayne Pattat, Steven Penticoff, John Pera, Richard Perkins, Regina Phillips, Jeffrey Pierce, David Pitterle, Richard Place, Ronald Pohl, Gloria Polhill, Sally Pommerening, Michael Pontius, Marilyn Prather, David Pritikin,
Carl Ramey, Candice Randall, Pamela Rawleigh, Shirley Reed, Robert Reiter, Douglas Reizer, Nancy Reynolds, Elizabeth Ann Roberts, Charles Robinson, Curtis Rose, Mary Rosenstiel, Fred Ross, Victoria Ross, Nancy Roth, Terry Roush, John Runkle, Rhonda Runkle, Dan Rutter, Kathleen Ryan,
Larry Saar, Donna Sabin, Charles Saeger, Bonnie Saxby, Richard Schaar, Lou Schlegel, Paul Schneider, Jane Schriver, Craig Schroeder, Gary Schubert, Robert Schweder, Thomas Seefeldt, Susan Shelly, Martin Shipley, Carolyn Shipp, Larry Shipp, Ronald Simler, Cynthia Smith, Deborah Smith, Karen Smith, Linda Smith, Michele Smith, Steven Smith, Keith Snidtker, John Soldati, rodney Springman, Cheryl Stark, Gordon Starkey, Calvin Staver, Judith Steffens, Danny Stocker, Valerie Stone, Curt Strong, Douglas Stucky, Madge Sullivan, Diane Sutterlin, Stephen Swalve,
Delma Taylor, Laurence Taylor, Wayne Teuber, Gene Toepfer, Steven Trampel, Linda Truckenmiller, Wanda Tyrrell,
Alan Unger, Rudy Urbanec,
Pauli Van De Water, David Van Matre, Thomas Vaultonburg, Vicki Vieth, Syvia Von Seggern, Pamela Vincent, Brian Volkers,
Penny Waggoner, Johnnie Mae Walker, Charles Waller, Emerson Waller, Lula Washington, Nancy Weckerly, Randall Weckerly, David Weisendanger, Maurice Wenzel, Terry Werntz, Wesley Wescott, Jerry Whitehead, Mary Wiley, Shirley Wilhelms, Paul Wilke, Arthur Williams, Vickie Wilson, Colleen Winters, Kathleen Wise, Lee Wiskochil, Marica Wittbecker, Sandra Wittbecker, Jacob Wojak, Patricia Wolfe, Susan Wolfe, Stevel Woony, Louise Woo, John Woolever, John Wurtzel,
Ray Yoder, Stephen Yoder,
Zanis, Robert Zunker.
The 1967 Catalyst
The Freeport Co0mmunity College yearbook
I was a staff writer for the Catalyst and the Debater newspaper.
1967 City Directory Book