![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Robert Aalund, Arnold Abele, Jacob Albrecht, Bobbi Albright, Herb Alexander, Merle Althafer, Luann Amerpohl, Ken Andree, Greg Anzalone, Chris Aten, Dawn Aukee, Margo Auvinen, Malcolm Aylward,
Janet Babcock, Connie Baker, Steve Baker, Teresa June Baker, Steve Baldwin, Susan Bangasser, Brian Barr, Curt Barrett, Eric Bastian, Beth Bauscher, Todd Bausman, Carmen Bawinkel, Keith Beach, Brent Beck, Tim Becke, Lisa Bendick, Randy Beverly, Michele Beyer, Barb Bielien, Mike Bierk, Karen Birckelbaw, Marty Blum, Julene Bocker, Blayne Bodvig, Janet Bohnsack, Jodee Bower, Jon Bowers, Mercedes Bowman, Wendy Brannick, Cathy Brawner, Jeff Breed, Bridget Brei, Mike Brendemuehl, Dean Bretthauer, David Briggs, Bryan Broocks, Bryant Brooks, Maria Brooks, Bob Brown, Carol Ann Bruce, Veronica Bruce, Nancy Burdick, Robert Burnside, Kevin Bush, Brad Busker, Jeff Buss, Leann Byerley,
Linda Campbell, Chris Capion, Brad Carlile, Mary Carlson, Annette Carter, Holly Chaffin, Angie Chaplin, Dan Chapman, Dawn Ciganek, Jacqueline Clark, Tim Clarke, Jackie Coleman, Pam Collier, Troy Collier, Jodie Conder, Terri Connors, Charles Conway, Bridget Coomber, Sara Covers, Lori Cox, Lisa Crawford, Melody Crawford, Barry Cummins, Kevin Cunningham, Gwendolyn Curry,
Brad Dagel, Earl Davidson, Sally Davidson, Jeff Davis, Linda Davison, Vicki Deets, Craig Deininger, Amy Dickinson, Karen Diffenbaugh, Gayle Suzanne Dietmeier, Tom Ditzler, Bridget Donahue, Wendy Dornink, Karen Dorsey, Tracy DuMont, Kasten Dumroese, Rick Dykstra,
David Eberle, Sharie Eden, Colleen Egan, Dawn Erwin, Vanessa Euells,
Malcolm Fairbairn, Steve Farringer, Luann Fazio, John Featherston, Larry Feiner, Dave Fenton, Janice Floerke, Brent Fontana, Linda Frank, Darla Freeman, Janice Fricke, Martha Furst, Rodger Fye,
Cheryl Gage, Roger Garrett, Kelly Gastmann, Michael Gatchel, Kathy George, Todd Gillette, Tracy Lynnmarie Gipe, Kimberlee Goethe, Shawn Gorman, Andrew Gray, Kimberly Gray, Jannelle Green, James Greene, Debra Griffin, Charles Grilliot, Sherri Gronner,
Donald Hall, Edgar Hallin, Pat Hartman, Pierre Habecker, Randy Hasken, Greg Hawkins, Ronald Heilman, Rick Heinrich, Mary Heitter, Laura Helman, Robbie Hendrickson, Robbie Hermsmeier, Perry Herron, Dan Hoefle, Virginia Hollis, Brad Holloway, Carol Howard, Tom Howard, Dale Howarth, Doria Huggins, Molly Huisinga, Keith Hurder, Michelle Hyde,
Lisa Inclan, Karen Isaac,
Julia Jacobs, Jeff Janicke, Todd Jenkins, Holly Johnson, Julianne Johnson, Karen Jones, Kathy Jones,
Frederic Kahler, Kathy Kazakos, Kevin Kelley, Lorie Kieffer, Sarah Kitchen, Pat Kittoe, Amy Klaus, David Kloos, Kim Klouser, Clifton Koch, Susan Koester, David Kohlbauer, Richard Kreeger, Brad Krogull,
Brenetta Lacy, Theodore Lamm, Greg Lasco, Kathleen Laskye, Charles Laster, Lisa Laughlin, Robin LeBaron, Thomas Linebarger, William Lucas,
Anthony Maltry, Jill Maltry, George Raymond Manning, Mark Marcum, Steve Marcum, Joan Marsh, Beth Martin, Bill Martin, Denise Matter, Doris Matter, Dean Matthews, Kim McGath, Jeriel McGinness, Lauri McIlvanie, Brenda Meinders, Todd Mercier, Sarah Metcalf, Michelle Metz, Jeff Meyers, Thomas Meyers, Karen Marie Miller, Kevin Miller, Lisa Miller, James Moderow, Joseph Mordick, Jeff Moring, Rick Mosher, Doug Munda, James Murphy,
Brian Neels, Jennifer Noble, Kirk Nortridge, Vicki Nugent, Connie Nye,
Linda O'Brien, Teresa Ocker, Jeff Oefelein, Lori Olloff, Bill Olmstead, Cynthia Olson, Carol Orme, Kent Osborne,
Joel Parr, Louise Paul, Michael Pearson, Connie Penticoff, Jill Peters, Daphne Petrakis, Diane Pfile, Greg Phillips, Depra Pieper, Jane Pieper, Joel Plum, Wendy Polhill, Tammy Pommerening, Joel Pontnack, Belinda Powell,
Julie Raih, Beth Elaine Rasmus, Michael Reel, Linda Reeser, Ken Reisch, Jody Rhode, Christina Richey, Lori Ridgway, Timothy Rigney, Keith Robbins, Frederic Eric Rochon, Jeffrey Rodebaugh, Jon Roemer, Monica Roethlisberger, Julie Rohde, Paul Rohde, Donald Romani, Steven Rouse, Sharon Rucker, Dale Rudy, Michael Rundall, Linda Rupnow,
Phillip Sanders, Scott Saxer, Cindy Schad, Grover Schneider, Mark Schneider, Sherrlyn Schone, Rhonda Schopf, Teresa Schramm, Jacqueline Schubert, Carolyn Schwartz, Christine Schwartz, Brian Scofield, Jeffren Seefeldt, Sherrill Sellers, Laurie Sellman, Donna Shamway, Jill Shelly, Susan Shenberger, Jacqueline Shipp, Eric Shippee, Laurie Shippy, Pamela Siemens, Victor Troy Simmons, Michael Sims, Darwin Smith, Melanie Smith, Scott Smith, Sheila Smith, Stephen Smith, Suzanne Smith, David Snyder, Sherri Snyder, Deanna Sofran, Timothy Solberger, Karen Sorn, Rhonda Sorn, John Spaeth, Anne Spahn, Julie Spangler, Maria Spikes, Nathan Spotts, Sandra Staas, Debra Stake, Gregory Stake, Mary Stayner, Randall Stearns, Doug Steele, Kenneth Stewart, Carol Stichter, Kristina Stimpert, Paul Stine, Valerie Stinson, Kathy Sturtevant, Terri Jo Sturtevant, Gary Summers, Deena Swift,
William Tackett, Frederick Tallman, Renee Taylor, Eric Tegl, Darrell Thiel, Theresa Thomas, Tracey Thompson, Windell Threadgill, Michael Allen Thruman, Michael Robert Thruman, Beth Timmersman, Richard Tobin, Spencer Toepfer, Barb Tricker, Stewart Turner,
Julie Underwood, Tami Untersee, Jeanine Urban, Edward Urbanec,
Lori Veach, Paul Vehmeier, Teresa Vurnovas,
Teresa Wachlin, Leanette Wallis, Vicki Ward, David Washburn, Randy Watson, Leanne Weckerly, David Weiner, Michael Wells, jeff Wendt, Randy Werntz, Debra White, James Wienand, Sandra Wilhelms, Jim Wilkinson, Colette Williams, Dawn Williams, Lisa Williams, Mark Williams, Sarah Williamson, Earl Willis, Wesley Winnekins, Barb Witt, Curt Witynski, Allison Wright, Bonnie Wright,
JoEllen York, Jacqueline Young, Jeanne Youngblut.
The Freeport Journal-Standard from December 9, 1980.