![]() Robert
Private classes. |
Biblical Aromatherapy
Therapeutic Essential Oil Massages |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
I graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
Please help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Remarkable Stories, Remarkable events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois, and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
Biblical Aromatherapy
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines. Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Olga Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard, featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Harriet Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard, has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
"My Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Bonnie Alm, John Ament, Steven Ames, John Auer, Michael Auvinen, Peter Auvinen, Jan Ayer,
Jane Babbitt, Cynthia Baker, Kimberly Baker, Todd Baker, David Bardell, Scott Bardell, Ricky Barrett, Kathryn Bausman, Charles Baxter, Donna Baysinger, Cynthia Becke, Michael Beggin, Theresa Below, James Bergagna, David Bergemann, Mark Bergren, Pamela Betts, kathryn Beuth, David Beyer, Mark Biehl, Tamara Bierie, Annette Binger, Jeanne Blasing, Alicia Blask, Cynthia Blask, Steven Blum, Lisa Bordner, Thomas Bottoms, Brian Bounds, Terry Bouray, Rhonda Bradford, Rochelle Brandt, Shelly Briggs, Julie Brinkmeier, Mary Beth Broughton, Clint Brouhard, Dawn Brown, Teri Brown, LaTayne Bruce Dawn Brumfield, Douglas Burck, David Burfiendt, Ricky Burrington, Diane Burton,
Cheryl Calam, Peggy Carlino, Kevin Carr, Quincy Carter, Janet Cassidy, Rose Chambers, Carol Chapman, Wyatt Chenong, Kirk Chezem, Dianne Chlupsa, Donna Chlupsa, Wanda Clark, Joyce Coffee, Brenda Cole, Brian Collins, Cindy Collins, Dianna Collins, Donna Collins, Brett Coomber, Karin Corran, Timothy Crawford, Tiana Crow, Brad Cummins, David Cunningham,
Jaime Dadez, Douglas Dahms, Jon Daniels, Gillian Dassing, Cynthia Daughenbaugh, Gary Daughenbaugh, Lisa Davenport, Catherine Davison, Ward Dawson, Tina DeBoer, Mark Deckler, Chris Dell, Richard Diddens, Debra Diehl, Susanne Diehl, Larry Dietmeier, Jill Doden, Robin Dole, Karen Doll, Susan Dollinger, Joan Domino, Sandra Dooley, Thomas Dougherty, Peggy Downs, Marcia Durham, Mark Durham,
Timothy Eberle, Yvonne Ebert, Christine Eckert, Cheryl Engen, Cheryl Engling, Matthew Ensign, Rickie Erving, Hilda Euells, Brian Evans, Betty Ezell,
William Joseph L. Fair, Stephen Fairbairn, Pamela Fehr, Scott Feld, Kevin Fenton, Mary Fertitta, David Fisher, Duane Fletcher, Jeffrey Fogel, Lisa Frank, Diana Fransen, Mark Frederick, David Frej, Cathy Frey, Alan Frint, Deborah Fruth,
Jonathan Garratt, Robert Garrity, Susan Garrow, Mark Garwick, Gregory Gastel, Robyn Gastmann, Wayne Genkinger, Heidi George, Julie Gerber, Dennis Getz, Michael Gill, Lisa Gilliam, Wayne Gimple, Charles Giuffre, Jane Gorence, Michael Gould Billy Graham, Joseph Graham Jr., Laura Graham, David Graves, David Gray, Charles Green Jr., Johnathon Green, Regina Green, Sharon Greene, John Griffes, Christine Grilliot, David Gross, David Gruendler, Wanda Gutenberger,
Charles Haas Jr., William Hadley, Mark Hagerty, Kimbra Hall, Scott Harbach, Terri Hargrove, James Hartman, Jeffrey Hartman, Richard Hasken, Kermit Hasselman, Sherry Heilman, Donald Heitter, Steven Heitz, Daniel Hepler, Ronald Herring, Kenneth Hocraffer, Douglas Hoefer, Scott Holbert, Barbara Homan, Mark Homan, Betty Lou Hoppe, Gianna Huenefeld, Debra Hughes, Joan Hummel, Linda Hunt,
Connie Jacobs, Jon Jacobs, Mary Jacobson, Patricia Janecek, Todd Jeffrey, Bruce Johnson, Laura Johnson, Craig Jones,
Debbie Kahl, Randall Kaiser, Sally Kaiser, Karen Kaser, Douglas Kasprzak, Janet Katel, Matthew Keith, Mark Kelly, Lisa Kenney, Daniel W. Kerber, Grant Kimes, Pamela Kitchen Sandra Klaas, Nancy Kay Klenz, Gail Kloepping, David Knecht, Vicki Knoll, Charles Knowlton, James Koertner, Janet Koester, Diane Kohlbauer, Sherrie Koning, Laura Koon, Roger Kort, Timothy Kortes, JoAnn Kreeger, Joseph Krieger, Lisa Krogull, Lorraine Krupke, Charles Kubatzke, Thomas Kutzke,
Diane Lahne, Lawrence Laird III, Bernard Lamm, Jan Lamm, Jay Lamm, Amy Laskye, Laura Laughlin, Laura Leahy, Marjorie Lucille Lebaron, Michael Lehman, Pamela Lindenman, Jeffrey Lloyd, Beth Loerfield, Jeffrey Love, Jerry Luedeking, Jay Luy,
Lynne Macadam, Sue Mackert, Lynne Madden, Brent Mann, Thomas Maples, Beth Marcum, Sandra Marcum, Deborah Marsh, Michael Martin, Kathy Martz, Diane Matter, Duane Matter, Richard Mattingly, Dana Maves, Scott McGath, Michael McGrath, Denice McMurray, Marlene McNett, Lori Meier, Bradley Meiers, Wendy Meiners, Erin Mellom, Elizabeth Merkle, John Mertins, Kim Metz, Terri Meyers, Cahty Miller, Craig Miller, Glenn Miller, Larry Miller, Suzanne Mills, Steven Moest, Deborah Moll, Lisa Monigold, Audrey Moore, Randal Mordick, William Moring, Debra Morrow, Michael Morton, Deborah Munz, Cynthia Murray, Michael Murray, Brian Musser, Casey Myers, Robert Myers,
Gary Nesemeyer, Marcia Nesemeyer, Karen Nevenhoven, Richard Newberry, Lucy Newton, Randall Nieman, Michael Nilles, Mark Nye,
Brian Olson, Scott Olson, William Olthoff, Kathy Orto,
Bonnie Palmer, Michael Palmer, Janice Parker, Royce Parker, John Parks, Cathy Parriott, Todd Parriott, Beth Penticoff, Luanne Penticoff, Keith Perry, Corie Peters, Douglas Peterson, Patrice Petrakis, Daniel Pflaume, Dawn Phillips, Kenneth Phillips, Karen Pieper, Rickey Pierce, Elizabeth Prather, Mary Pratt, Joyce Prince, Rodney Pruitt, Willard Prynn Jr., Larry Puckett,
Michael Rafferty, Natalie Raih, Lori Ranken, Susan Recoy, Jeffrey Reed, Stacie Reed, Molly Regez, Karen Reid, William Reuber, Stephen Rhyne, William Rice, James Richards, Thomas Richards, Michael Richolson, Charmaine Ring, Willard Robbins, Sharon Elaine Roberts, Daniel Robertson, Kimberly Rodermel, Ronald Rose, Constance Ross, Christopher Ruble, John Rudy, Lee Rundall, Barbara Ryan,
Richard Sager, Jean Salzman, Sidney Schatz, Karen Schmertman, John Schoenberger, Bonny Schoeppel, Joanne Schopf, Kathie Schrader, Susan Schult, Janye Schulte, Daniel Schultz, Karen Schultz, Sue Schwendiman, Peter Scibona, Patricia Scofield, Andrew Scott, Debra Scott, Marna Secker, Patricia Sellers, Dennis Shade, Kelly Shade, Cynthia Shaffer, Ann Shay, Ramona Shipp, Sally Shouer, Sally Siemens, Steven Simler, Lisa Sims, Ernest Smith, Jannice Smith, Jeffrey Smith, Kerrin Smith, Matthew Smith, Ralph Smith, Lee Ann Snyder, David Sorn, Mary Spangler, Thomas Spielman, Dixie Staas, Ronald Stabenow, Pete St. Andrews, Karen Stanley, Terry Starliper, James Steele, Mark Steele, Susan Stine, Rebecca Stott, David Stricklen, Clayton Sturgeon, Patricia Sturtevant, David Swain, Ronald Swanstrom,
Gregory Talbert, Ralph Tallman, Jerry Tempel, Donald Thield, William Thiele, Roger Thinnes, Ted Thomas, Mary Thompson, Sonia Thompson, David Toepfer, Barbara Trevillian, Steven Tucker, Peggy Turner, Sherry Turner,
Mark Unger, Cynthia Untersee,
Dave Valkema, Deborah Vehmeier, Laura Virtue, Lana Volkert, Dawn Vorthmann,
Paticia Wachter, Susan Wagner, Steven Waters, Randall Weaver, Barbara Weeks, Susan Welch, Susan Wellner, Debra Wenger, Gregory West, Richard Whipple Jr., James White, David Whitehead, Christine Wichman, Donald Wienand, Christy Wilhelms, Amy Wilkinson, Bradley Williams, David Williams, Dennis Williams, Lori Williams, Patricia Willis, Kim Willits, Douglas Wise, Theresa Witt, Patti Wolfe, Jeffrey Wood, Julie Woods, Lori Woodward, Beth Wootan, Barry Wright, Dennis Wunsch,
Alex Yanez Jr, Rita Yates, Vanessa L Yates,Terry Young,
Dana Zimmerman, Brian Zinser, Stanley Zuravel Jr.
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