![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Thanks to Class of 1974's Bill Mertins for providing the class list and scans of the 1974 Polaris.
Mike Ader, Jim Adkins, Jeffrey Aebly, Kim Aldridge, Francisco Alonso, Henry Alonso, Miriam Alonso, Pamela Altman, Marilou Amans, William Ament, Maribeth Amerpohl, Faith Amudjeff, Ron Andrach, Brian Anstedt, Connie Arjes, Jose Arnedo, Robin Ayers,
Babcock, Tina Babcock, Barbara Backus, Jean Baldwin, Tess Balsamo, Sharon
Bamberg, Julie Bardell, Terence Bardell, Arnie Barker, Julie Bastian,
Richard Bawinkel, Rhonda Beam, Richard Bear, Robert Becke, Patricia Becker,
Anna Bell, Craig Beintema, Melva Bennehoff, Terese Bergemann, Cherri Betts,
Ronald Bingner, Steven Bloom, Holly Bloyer, Kim Bloyer, Craig Blumhoff,
Jeff Bocker, Thomas Boeke, Janet Bonebright, Linda Boos, Lula Bowdry,
Jami Branthaver, Julie Breuhaus, David Britton, Dianne Brockman, Allen
Broocks, Darlean Brooks, Marsha Brokhausen, Dale Brown, Ronald Brown,
Gwenette Bruce, Terrine Bruce, Robert Brunette, Paula Bunchman, Robert
Burke, Clyde Butler, Thomas Butler, Delmar Butt,
Elizabeth Calem, Linda Campbell, Vickie Campbell, Judith Carney, Diane Carpenter, Mark Carpenter, Marla Carrithers, Sandra Carroll, Gregory Carter, Marilyn Carter, Sally Carter, Scott Carter, Alan Castetter, Steven Castle, William Chapman, Sue Christman, Kevin Clancy, Pamela Clark, Louann Coates, Russell Cobb, Virginia Coffee, Michael Cole, James Collins, Willie Collins, Donald Congdon, Nicholas Connell, Sean Connell, Mark Cooley, Constance Coppernoll, Terry Cowan, Joel Craft, Thomas Craig, Debra Creighton, Calvin Cummins, Jeffrey Cummins,
Dahms, Curtis Dale, Jay Daniels, David Daughenbaugh, Barbara Davis, Arthur
Dawson, Kirk Deininger, Lee Ann Delander, Jeffrey Deleeuw, Mark Desutter,
Jamie Devol, Kerry Dexter, Mary Dickens, Shawn Dietmeier, Gene Dikkers,
Dana Dilworth, Julie Doden, Dave Dougherty, Earl Downing, Sandra Dunn,
Benard Durham, Collette Patricia Dyson,
Andrew Eberle, Joyce Eckleberry, Lori Elliot, Hope Engleman, Elizabeth Ensign, Gary Erdmier, Julie Erickson, Pamela Ernst, Phillip Etheridge, Clara Euells, Dennis Euler, Cathie Evans, Mike Evans, Rick Ewalt,
Barbara Fagan, Candace Faro, Constance Farrar, Kathleen Finn, Paula Fisher, James Fitzgerald, James Fleming, Holley Floe, Cheryle Floerke, Vicki Flynn, Amy Fogal, Gloria Fogal, Dale Folgate, Ricky Folgate, Russell Fransen, David Freeman, Vicky Fryer, Eleanor Fye,
Pamela Gale, Charles Ganz, Mark Gastmann, Dianne Gates, Kathleen Gentz, Barbara Gerlach, Constance Gibbs, Allison Gibson, Robert Giles, Sandra Gill, David Gilliam, Samuel Glick, Joseph Gorence, Patrick Gokey, Mary Graham, Sandra Gray, Anson Green, Elmer Green, Susan Greene, Elizabeth Greenfield, Anne Greier, Micheal Griebel, Mary Guzzardo,
Hadju, Debbie Hahn, John Hancock, Steven Hansen, Bradley Harbach, Nancy
Harlan, Cynthia Harms, Constance Hart, Jayne Hartog, Thomas Hartog, Marvin
Hawthorn, Kevin Hayenga, Judith Hayes, Gerald Heck, Barry Heine, LuAnn
Heine, Jenniyn Heitz, Kay Hendrickson, Roger Herbig, Thomas Henschel,
Ricardo Herron, Thomas Highland, Robert Hille, Debra Hirsbrunner, Susanne
Hiteman, Paul Hoefer, Denise Hofmaster, Michael Holbert, Linda Holder,
Frederick Homan, Sue Hoover, Tracy Hoskins, Jennifer Hoskinson, Rodger
Hotek, Elizabeth Hummel, Joni Maria Hunter, Kevin Hunziker,
Sandra Ickes,
Deborah Jackson, Gale Jamison, Jeffrey Janecek, Duane Janicki, Nancy Jenkins, Diana Johnsen, Joanne Johnson, Keith Johnson, Mary Johnson, Carla Jones, Kim Jones,
Joel Kaiser, Stephen Kaiser, Stanley Kasper, Daniel Kasten, Gary Kauffman, Jeffrey Kelly, Carolyn Kennedy, Robert Kenneke, William Kerchner, Alica Kibbler, Sally Kidder, Eini Kiiskinen, Michael Koester, Janet Kohl, Melody Kohn, Dennis Koning, Eugene Koning, Chris Korf, Linda Kortemeier, Michael Kortemeier, Randy Krahmer, Michael Krebs, Daniel Kreeger, Debra Krogull, James Krueger, Michael Krusey, Gregory Kuntz, Pamela Kuntz, Kathyrn Kurtz, Kimberly Kutzke,
David LaBudde, Lois Lahne, Lydia Lahne, Duane Lamm, Gregory Lamm, Robert Larson, Martin Lasco, Christine Law, Paul Leamon, Douglas Leggett, Valerie Lenoir, Christopher Lenz, Gloria Lewis, Mary Lewis, William Lieber, Karla Lingle, Karen Liscom, Gregory Lloyd, Lucinda Loewe, Cindy Lohr, Ronnie London, Katherine Long, Leo Lotta, Allen Love, Kathleen Love, Stephan Love, Laura Love,Jeffery Lubbers, Gwendolyn Lucas, Keith Ludolph, James Luedeking, Scott Lutz, Edward Luy,
Mackert, Mamie Macklin, Martin Mahoney, Sheila Maltry, Catherine Mandt,
Karen Mann, Theresa Martin, Timothy Martz, Donna Matter, Michael Maves,
Shan MacAdam, Rose McClintock, Lendell McClain, Rick McCreery, Scott McDearmon,
Cynthia McElmeel, Ethel McGee, Reginald McGee, Brian McGinty, Marlene
McGregor, Larry McKee, Terry Mckee, Mark McLaughlin, Dana McLenahan, Idamae
Meier, Karen Meile, Rodney Meiners, Thomas Mellinger, Timothy Mellinger,
William Mellinger, Rebecca Mercer, Laurie Mergen, William Mertins, Susan
Metcalf, Dolly Metz, Linda Meyers, Todd Meyers, Jeff Michael, Richard
Michael, Cynthia Miller, Debra Miller, Diana
Miller, Douglas Miller, Karen Miller, Kevin Miller, Pamela Miller,
Sarah Miller, Roderic Mills, Brenda Mims, Clark Mizell, Mark Moderow,
Janet Modlinger, Kirk Moll, Ted Monigold, Mark Montgomery, Joni Moore,
Patricia Moore, Merry Mordick, David Mowrey, Gregory Mudore, Joan Murray,
Philip Murray, Craig Mutchler, David Myers, Terry Myers,
Dale Nelson, Kristine Nelson, Jean Ness, Norwood Newberry, Tom Norman, Kim Nortridge, Sally Nott,
Jeannine Oppold,
Mark Parker, Sharon Parker, Delores Paul, Nadine Paul, Marvin Pearson, Robert Peck, Jeffrey Pederson, Jan Penniston, Rog Penticoff, James Penwell, Kurt Perry, Lynn Petit, Russell Petta, David Petticrew, Steven Petticrew, Jean Pfeiffer, Walter Pflaume, David Phillips, Douglas Phillips, Sheila Phillips, Scott Ping, Michael Plapp, Deborah Plum, Thomas Popp, Daniel Prather,
Anna Quintero,
Randall, Jeffrey Rasmus, Bruce Ray, Michael Reid, Vicki Retzlaff, David
Reuber, John Rhode, Kenneth Richardson, Cynthia Richarts, Sheila Rinderman,
Kimberly Roads, David Roderick, David Rogers, Luanne Rohde, Virginia Ross,
Vickie Roth, Conrad Ruble, Diane Rudy, Craig Rupnow, Clayton Russell,
Randy Sager, Debra Scanlon, Timothy Scanlon, Barbara Schemel, Barbara Schilling, Martin Schleiff, Jeanne Schlosser, Robert Schlosser, Randy Schmertman, Sandra Schneider, Ellen Schoenberger, Dick Schoonhoven, Paul Schroeder, Diane Schultz, Teresa Schuster, James Scibona, Wanda Scofield, Bunnie Searle, Kaethe Seeman, Jeffrey Seiver, Susan Sellman, David Servatius, Robert Shaffer, Kirk Shelly, Rick Shick, Vickie Shick, Barbara Shipp, Ladesta Shipp, Susan Shippy, Karen Short, Lois Short, Rosie Shorter, James Shover, Gale Siegmeier, Kathleen Siegner, Jimmie Simmons, John Skyrms, Carl Smith, Colleen Smith, Dawn Smith, Janice Smith, Jenny Smith, Joel Smith, Keith Smith, Linda Smith, Raymond Snyder, Erik Sohlberg, James Spangler, Deborah Spencer, James Spielman, Carmen Stansberry, Terry Stauffacher, Laurie Steenrod, Floyd Stees, Janet Stoltz, Bonnie Stout, Stephen Stricklen, Steven Strohecker, Daniel Sturtevant, Craig Suttman, Linda Swanstrom,
John Taylor, Gregory Terhark, Debra Theile, Earl Thomas, Daniel Thompson, Mark Thruman, Rose Tkocz, Nancy Torell, Dennis Triff, Jeffrey Tropsa, Kathleen Tucker, David Tuell, Ann Turner, David Turner, Jamie Turner, Kathleen Turner, Cary Twyman,
Lisabeth Underhill, Julie Untersee, Robert Untersee,
Vaughan, Eugene Veach, Eddie Veasley, David Veer, Karla Veer, Lucy Veer,
Marla Veer, Kathy Vincent, Eldon Vinney, Stephen Virtue, Stephen Vrtol,
Donald Wachter, Jeffrey Wagner, Collette Wallis, Rebecca Wardlow, Debra Watson, Kathleen Watson, Patricia Weaver, Dale Weber, Lawrence Weik, Paul Welt, Donald Werntz, Curtis Wescott, Robert Whalen, Rodney Whalen, Karen Whitehurse, Randy Wieck, Dale Wilhelms, Kim Williams, Paul Williams, Sterling Williams, William Williams, Jeffrey Williamson, Lynne Willits, Kirk Winter, Myra Winters, John Witte, Wendy Woessner, Richard Wolfe, Susan Wolfe, Carmen Woods,
George Yarzak, Lee Young,
John Zimmerman.