![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Polaris scans by Jim Bittner, Class of 1963
Roger W. Abbott, Elizabeth Aldrich, Janet Anderson, Vern Anderson, Terry Armogast, James Arnold, Alice Ashby, Lloyd Aumock,
Marcia Babb, Dianna L. Bach, Raymond Bangs, Carol Banks, Janet Bawinkel, Judith Becker, Carol Beidler, Vickie Benz, Frank Bergren, Claudia Ann Bike, Robert Bingham, Deleene Black, David Boeke, John Boekholder, Sandra Boles, Vivian Book, Robert Bonebright, Charlotte Borchers, Gary Bowser, Janice Boyer, Rodney Boyett, Rebecca Boynton, Providence Bravata, Beth Brechtel, Cheryl Briggs, Dorothy Brock, Ernest Brose, James Brown, Kenlyn Brubaker, David Bruce, Eleanor Buchanan, Jon Budenz, Janice Burkholder, Robert Burns, Genene Busker,
Alfred Cain, Carolee Casford, John Casford, Robert Challberg, Louise Champlin, Aldean Chappell, Joann Choumont, Janet Clark, Jeannette Coon, Roger Cooper, Donald Copoulos, Ronald Cordes, Jon Cramer, Mary Ann Criddle, Alice Crummer, Carol Crummer, Karleen Cuplin, Cheryl Cutler,
Susan Daughenbaugh, Robert Demeester, Michael Diestelmeier, Terry Dietmeier, Michael DiModica, Mary Jo Dittmar, Sherry Dotlich, Earleanne Downing, Dale Downing, Robert Downing, Diana Davis,
Marcia Earlenbaugh, Susan Eder, Leroy Emford, Paul Euler, Gary Evans, Gael Evans, John Evers,
Roger Farrar, Nancy Ferrell, David Fink, Gerald Flack, Gerald Flickinger, Vernon Fowler, Carolyn Frank, Conrad Frehner, Ernest Frazier, Darlene Frey, Heidemarie Frey, Kenneth Frey, James Frisbie, Darrell Fulfer, Jeffrey Fuller, Jerry Flack,
John Galbo, Virginia Gartman, Wendy Genant, William Gerloff, Barbara Gingrich, John Good, James Gorski, Carol Graff, Marie Graham, Marilyn Grammont, William Green, Audre Greier, Mary Lou Grinnell, Thomas Groshans, Douglas Gruenau,
Ruth Haas, Patricia Halbin, Thomas Hamer, Sandra Hammer, Charles Hancock, Linda Hannah, Roger Hanson, Catherine Hardinger, James Harris, Marvin Harris, Barbara Hayes, Robert Heck, Theodore Heidenreich, Gary Heilman, Richard Heiser, Joyce Helms, Gary Herman, Paula Hermann, Jeanne Hildebrandt, Peg Hildebrandt, Cynthia Hinrichs, Flora Ho, Michael Hodson, Norma Hoefer, Terry Hoefle, Chloe Holbert, Ramer Holtan, Lynne Homan, Eugenia honchar, Dianne Horton, Dennis Howe, Ronald Howe, Dennis Hughes, Irene Hunt, Glenn Hutchinson,
Marlys Ibler,
Clara Jacobs, Dennis Jacobs, Kathryn James, Michael Janssen, Rebecca Janssen, Dennis Jenkins, Joyce Johnson, LaVonne Johnson, Loretta Johnson, Marilyn Johnson, Petur Jonsson, Alma Jordan,
Karen Kadarauch, Glennen Kaiser, Charles Karl, Judith Karlesky, Harold Karstedt, Gary Keech, Ronald Kerlin, Roger Kerr, Kary Kintzel, Sandra Kintzel, Joan Kleihauer, Thomas Klemm, Sandra K. Klosa, Carol Koehler, Robert Kohlmeier, Carol Konstant, Shirley Kostenbader, Judith Kubatzke, DeAnn Kuhlemeier, Susan Jean Kuntz,
Barbara E. LaBorde, Vicki Lamm, Nancy Laughlin, William Law, Gary Lawler, Jan Lazarus, Albert Lemhuis, Kenneth Lorenz, Frederick Ludolph, Fannie Ludewig, Robert Luedeke,
Sharon McCaslin, Jennifer McDermott, Nellie McDonald, Judy McKelvey, Judith McLain, Marianne Madden, Beatrice Malagaris, Helen Malone, Cynthia Martin, Karen Martin, Linda Martin, Julie Matter, Susan Matts, Elmer Meyers, Gary Miller, George Miller, Laurence Miller, Patrick Milligan, Thomas Mills, Gerald Morrison, Christine Morton, Penelope Moshonas, Sharon Moss, Nancy Moore, Richard Moring, James Myers,
Sally Neberman, Robert Nelson, Thomas Nettles, Linda Niemeier,
Linda Oltmann, Cheryl Ommodt, Marsha Ontjes, Margaret Osborne, Gale Otto, Arthur Owen,
Rufus Pearson, Mary Lee Phillips, Terry Plowman, Gary Polhill, Patricia Polhill,
Ruth Quintero,
Sharon Reed, Richard Rees, Richard Regez, Leon Retzlaff, Dennis Richter, Paul Rimington, Gayle Rose, Larry Roth, Rodney Roush, Thomas Rozman, Donna Rudy, Shirley Runkle, Bernard Russell, Harry Rust,
Eric Samuelson, Richard Schaeffer, Gilbert Schauer, Thomas Schauer, Barbara Schlamp, Edythe Schoonhoven, Sandra Schoonhoven, Gretchen Schulz, David Schumacher, Donna Schwarze, Linda Seeman, Roger Seeman, Sandra Seidemann, Becky Shenberger, Larry Shipley, Hartsel Shirley, Leland Sieck, Judith Siemens, Carolyn Sikes, Gwendolyn Simmons, Sheila Kay Simmons, Steven Sincox, Sue Smith, Donald Southard, David Springman, Lathera Staben, Teresa Starkey, Gary Stebbins, LoAnn Steffen, Kenneth Steinhoff, Michaelle Stroh, Anita Stukenberg, Annette Stukenberg, Thomas Sturtevant, Rita Suess, Sharon Sullivan, Bonita Sunday, Julia Swaim, Cheryl Swalve, David Swank, Susan Swift,
David Taylor, Florence Tedman, JoAnn Tegl, Marcia Thomas, Ronald Troxell, James Trunck, Pamela Turner,
Mary Anne uhlar, James Undieme, Thomas Undieme, Martha Uthlaut,
Brenda VanRaden,
Stuart Waller, Ernest Warner, Bonnie Weber, Sharon Weckerly, Wayne Weier, Judy Welty, Richard Werntz, Sandra Wessel, Patricia Wesson, William Lee Whitten, Larry Wichman, Leon Wilhelms, Donna Wilken, Richard Wilken, Craig Wilkins, Wilbert Winters, Kay Wolfensberger, John Wollny, Mary Sue Wurtzel,
Judy Zipse, Robert Zuck, Virgil Zunker.
The 1962 Polaris Staff
The 1962 Pretz News Staff
1962 Seniors
My sister Claudia Bike is at upper right.
Bob Bonebright, who was Killed
In Action in Vietnam, is at bottom center.
Math teacher Ferne Kuhlemeyer died during the school year.
She taught at FHS for 32 years.
Agriculture classes play a large part of the education
of Stephenson County farm students.
The 1962 prom.
FHS from the air in 1962.
Claudia's diploma.
Commencement announcement.
Held June 5, 1962 in the Pretzel Bowl.
Commencement program
Abbott through Lazarus
Lawler through Zunker
Aquin High School Class of 1962
Click on photo to enlarge.
Clipping posted on
Linda Rockman Piefer's Facebook page.
My father's 1962 license plate.
Photo of my sister, Claudia, taken in front of our neighbor's house, the
Photo courtesy of Joann Merck.
Freeport Woman's Club
68th Annual Calendar
The Freeport Woman's Club was founded in 1895.
Officers from 1895 to 1962.
Flora Guiteau, who taught at FHS for many years, was the 2nd president,
from1897-1898. Her brother, Charles,
was rather infamous.