![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
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this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Cora Adams, Betty Ament, Gene Anderson,
Virginia M. Bast, Robert Baxter, Virginia Bealer, Ruth E. Bennehoff, Merle R. Benning, Shirl Benning, LaVerne Bloom, Eleen Bolender, Elinor Bonn, Eleanore Bordner, Melvin Borger, Theodore Brei, Bernice Breymann, Ward Brinkmeier, Gene Brobst, Beatrice Brockill, Betty Brown, Robert Brown, Max Brubaker, Ted Bunnell, Betty Burdge,
Calderon, Lois Calkins, Lois Camerer, Tony Cannova, Jim Capone, Jeannette
Cassidy, Ben Confer, Doris Cooper, Pauleen Creitz, Carol Cruikshank, Francis
Winifred Davis, Helen Dawson, Jack Desmond, Shirley Diehl, Howard Dismeier, Helen Doerr, Allan Downs, Alvina Druger,
Marian Engle, Elizabeth Ennenga, Carson Ertmer, Don Espenhain, Lily Be Everle, John Ewing,
Virginia A. Fahrig, Alice Fogel, Tom Fuller, Joe Fusco,
Albert Gantz, Nancy Garman, Phyllis Garns, Gerald Garrity, Betty C. Geiger, Eileen Geiser, Norma June Geiser, Corinne Gilbert, Bette Gilchrist, James Girard, Bettie Glad, Marilyn Glasser, Neal Gochenour, Geraldene Graff, Margie Grant, Eddie Green, Dolores Grell, Florence Grell, Walter Groves,
Chuck Hancock, Bill Harnish, Russell Hartman, Mary Hawes, Jewel Heitz, Helen Henning, Mary Ellen Henry, Alethea Henze, Phyllis Jean Hermann, Eleanor Hoebel, Karl Hoffman, Betty Holtum, Harold Huesin, Virginia Hunt, Burton Hutmacher, Curtis Hutmacher, Evelyn Hutmacher, Mary Ethel Hutmacher,
Jack James, Bill Johnson, Chester Johnson, Mary Elaine Johnson, Richard Johnson, Viola M. Johnson, Bob Jones, Margaret Judd,
Marvin Kerchner, Harry Kintzel, Audrey Kirkey, Gladys Klever, Lee Kloepping, Jean Kloster, Faye Knodle, William Koenig, Eugene Kollath, Ruth Kottman, Irene Krahmer, Joyce Kronberg, Harold Kryder, Robert Kuchenmeister, Pauline Kuhlman, Betty Kutz,
J. D. Lambert, Marie Langan, Claire Lavelle, Warren Le Baron, Robert Leininger, Russell Lenz, Frank Levin, Fred Liebetrau, Lois Lighthall, Roscoe Loewe, Bob Lutz, Patricia Lyon,
Marjorie Mallott, Audrey Marle, Robert Mattox, Robert Maurer, Dyke McCool, Thomas McPherson, Shyrlah B. Meinert, Phyllis Mensenkamp, Bill Mertins, Eleanor Mertens, Dale Meyers, Evelyn Meyers, Lois Miller, Mary Milligan, Charles Morell, Esther Morris, Phyllis Morrow, Betty Jo Munda,
Betty Jean Nelson, Russell Newell, Yeyette Newman, Jack Nichol, Bernice Nott,
Mary Oblander, Jack Olson, Evelyn Opel, Dale Otto,
Rodger Palmer, Andrew Pappas, Donald Parquet, Roberta Parson, Theodore Peck, Evelyn Peterson, Dorothy Petticrew, George Petty, Mary Pfender, Yvonne Phillips, Don Pinnow, Leo Pizzolato,
Robert Reiter, John Rice, Lorraine Richter, Evelyn Rinehart, Nancy Riordan, Mary Jane Rock, Frances Rose, Ellen Rowland, Florence Ryan,
George Saar, John Sanders, Bernard L. Sargent, Lawrence Scheider, Clarence Schelp, Phyllis Schimelfenig, Robert Schmidt, Clark Schrack, Virginia Schroeder, Howard A. Scott, Elaine Selke, Dorothy W. Shane, Bob Sharp, Nettie Shewczuk, Harold Shockey, Jane Sieck, Frances Sieferman, Laverne Simmons, Fred Smith, Virginia M. Smith, Ruth Snap, Lura Edna Snyder, Eunice Sowers, Lucille Speer, Walter Spielman, Carlton Staben, Bill Staderman, Merwin Stevens, Carolyn Stoke, Sue Sturtevant, Maurice Sisler,
Kenneth Toelle, Amil Trimarco, Arthur Turner,
Harry Unger,
Carl Van Buskirk, Evelyn Van Deest, Ted Ver Hulst,
Ruth Wachlin, Don Waggoner, Dick Wahler, Lois Walz, Dorothy Weckerly, Anna Mae "Tutty" Wienand, Margery Witt, Wayne Wittbecker, Frances Wolfe, Frances Woods,
Lorraine Yordi, Richard Youngblut,
Kenneth Zastrow, Marilyn N. Zimmerman, Almeda Zurbriggen.
photographer for the 1939 Polaris was Robert Best, Class of 1940. He did
an outstanding job. The Senior portraits and casual poses were decades
ahead of his time.
Robert Best is shown in the center at left. Surrounding him, left to right, top to bottom, are:
Betty Burge, Yvonne Phillips, Theodor Peck, Frances Calderon, Jean Kloster
Phillis Schimelfenig, Bernard Sargent, Lois Camerer
Merwin Stevens, Richard Johnson
Evelyn Rinehart, Geraldene Graff
Lois Lighthall, Lorraine Richter, Betty Ament, Lorraine Yordi, Mary Ellen Henry
John Rice, Robert Reiter, Pauline Kuhlman, Ellen Rowland, Walter Groves
Robert Best captured this haunting image of Senior Class Vice President
Lucille Speer as seen in the portrait in the center at right.
Surrounding her, left to right, top to bottom, are:
Russell Lenz, Gladys Klever, Kenneth Zastrow, Phyllis Garns, Robert Baxter
Jane Sieck, Carolyn Stoke
Burton Hutmacher, William Koenig
Bernice Breymann, Lura Edna Snyder, Betty Geiger
Robert Maurer, Eleanor Hoebel, Robert Leininger, Pauleen Creitz, Carl Van Buskirk
Dolores Grell, Walter Spielman, Virginia Bealer, Howard Scott, Mary Jane Rock
L. A. Fulwider was still Principal. B. F. Shafer was Superintendent of Schools. Office assistants were Naomi Kidd and Anna Mae Mulnix. Custodians were J. Immig, Mrs. W. Diddens, P. Rehfeldt, F. Southwick, H. Winter and J. P. Zweifel.
Arts: M. Arlow Blackwood, Karl H. Kubitz, Madeline Dupes, Ernestine Johnsen
Commerce: Merritt Allen, Clara E. Gramse, George Kloos, Mary E. Sefton, Arthur S. Patrick
English: Katharine Hutchins, Mary E. Mathewson, Mrs. C. W. Carter, Mrs. Bert Anderson, Helen Barclay, Levon A. Shunk, Hazel Card, Carolyn Musser
History: Armin A. Manske, Howard A. Weber, Jack R. Berner, Harold Biting
Home Economics: Blanche I. Rosa, Edith Lyle, Christabel Anderson, Alma Rucker
Language: Mabel I. Bowers, Bessie K. Carnahan, Mary A. Yenerich, Dorothea M. Schmidt
Librarian: Margaret E. Davenport
Manual Arts: Richard S. Nicklas, Bert W. Anderson, Boyd M. Garns, Harry Kruse
Mathematics: Willard C. Rubendall, Mary C. Martin, Louis E. Mensenkamp, Ferne Kuhlemeyer
Physical Education: Dean Johnson, Helen Louise Nelson
Science: Richard A. Maloney, Edgar R. Hoff, Thomas G. Spring, Thomas C. Moers
Speech, Drama: Paul Crawford, Jeanette Lloyd
Casual portraits of the 1939 Junior Class.
The Polaris described the 1938 heavyweight football team as "a triple P team (Punt, Pass and Pray)." The team won its first two, lost the next four, and finished with a 4-5 win-loss record. Coaches were Manske, Weber, Berner and Johnson.
The 1938 lightweight football team, coached by Allen and Patrick, won their first five, played to a scoreless tie, then lost the last four games, finishing with a 5-4-1 record.
The 1938-39 Pretzel heavyweight basketball team was led by "Wimpy" Werntz, and coached by Merritt Allen. They finished with a record of 6-16. The basketball page of the 1939 Polaris is the first mention I have seen so far in any Polaris of the nickname "Pretzels."
The nickname of the minor basketball team was the Ponies. Coached by Patrick, they had a record of 15-3.
The 1939 FHS track team placed 3rd in the Big Seven Conference.
The 1938-39 FHS swim team went 2-5 in dual meets. Mr. Weber was the coach.
There were no girls' sports in 1939. There was the GAA. There are photos of girls dancing, throwing snowballs, practicing archery in the gym, and playing shuffleboard and ping-pong. There's even a photo of the girls changing inside the girls' locker room!
The Senior Class officers were Don Pinnow, President, Lucille Speer, Vice-President, and Roscoe Loewe, Secretary-Treasurer. Harold Biting and Naomi Kidd were the Senior Advisers.
James Girard and Betty Brown played the lead roles in the Senior Class play, Pride and Prejudice. Jack Olson and Betty Jean Nelson also had prominent roles. Elizabeth Ennenga and Bill Harnish were Carnival chairmen.