![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
The 1971 Polaris
Thanks to Jim Mertins of the Class of 1972 for recording the names of the Class of 1971 and scanning the photos from the 1971 Polaris.
Connie Aden, Blaine Albert, Carolyn Allen, Linda Allen, Elizabeth Alm, Manuel Alonso, Mark Amerpohl, Beth Armagost, Gregory Armstrong, Mary Artman, Pamela Aten, Margaret Aylward,
Babb, Linda Bangasser, Pamela Barker, Curt Barnes, Michael Barr, Kathy
Barrett, Kathy Basse, Wendy Beam, Kevin Becker, Scott Bell, George Benson,
James Bicksler, Pamela Bingner, Timothy Binkley, Shari Bitz, Kim Blackiston,
John Blum, Christine Boeke, Nancy Boettner, Judith Boland, Lynne Bordner,
John Bottoms, Merri Jo Bowers, Ruthie Bowser, Kathleen Boyer, Steven Bradford,
David Bradley, Bennett Bratley, Barbara Britton, Douglas Broge, Debra
Brokhausen, Steven Broocks, Nancy Brookman, Thomas Brooks, Curtis Broughton,
James Brown, Sunnie Brown, Gary Brubaker, Judith Brubaker, Dennis Bull,
Jeffrey Burd, Steven Burris, Ronnie Bush, Roberta Butler,
Bambi Campbell, Thomas Campbell, Richard Carlson, David Carpenter, Mary Carroll, LaVonne Carter, Gary Cashman, Pamela Cauthen, Melody Cheeseman, Michael Chezem, Guy Chlupsa, Marc Christ, Carlo Christenson, Louise Clark, Kathryn Clayton, Steven Cole, Betty Coleman, Larry Collatti, Charles Collins, Christopher Connell, Randy Cummins,
Gary Dame, Wayne Daniels, Linda Davis, William Davis, Rochelle Dedmond, Paul Deininger, Gary DeLander, Linda Derenski, Joy DeStephano, Remy DeSutter, Carol Devol, Larry Dickman, Dale Diddens, Georgia Diddens, Michael Dierdorff, Craig Dittmar, Charles Dominick, Viki Dominick, Charles Donahue, Rosalie Donegan, Susan Dooley, Marlene Dorty, Keith Downs, Rhoda Dumroese, Jerry Dunson,
Rebecca Ebert, Jeffery Eder, David Ellis, Chris Engle, Donald Engle, Carol Enzler, John Ernst, David Evans,
John Feldman, Eric Fenton, David Ferguson, Velonne Ferrari, Linda Fink, William Fischer, Laurie Floe, Rita Fluegel, Roger Folgate, Kenneth Fouke, LaVerne Fransen, Phillip Fransen, Terrence Frint, Cindy Fritzenmeier, Mary Froning, Charles Fryer, Terri Fullerton, Michael Fusco, Daniel Fyock,
Paul Ganz, Peggy Garrity, Debra Garrow, Phillip Gassman, Leslie Gibson, Richard Giles, Jill Gimple, Elizabeth Gingrich, David Gittler, Becky Gitz, Martin Glos, Elizabeth Good, Randy Gorham, Stephen Gray, Joan Greene, Randy Gross, Jeffery Guentherman (d),
Linda Haas, Yvonne Hall, Cynthia Hallin, Elizabeth Hamilton, David Hansey, Susan Harms, Steven Harrell, Kurt Harrenstein, Nichole Hartsough, Michael Hauger, Bruce Haugh, Stanley Hawkins, Timothy Heiden, Carl Heidenreich, Carla Heimann, Brian Heine, Patricia Heitter, Ray Helpingstine, Deborah Herbig, Adele Hershberger, Lucinda Hessenius, Robert Higgins, Robin Higgins, Cathy Hill, Diane Hill, Mary Hiteman, Steven Hiteman, Richard Hoefle, Mark Hoggatt, Stephen Holder, John Holey, Mark Holm, Robert Homan, Greg Horner, Richard Hoskins, Lorna Hoskinson, Mary Howard, Randy Howard, Alan Hull, Paula Humphrey, Colleen Hundertmark, Michael Hutmacher, Carol Huyck,
Jeanette Ils, Gail Lynn Ingram, George Isaac,
Curtis Jacobs, Bruce Jacobson, Susan Jeffrey, Karlene Johnson, William Johnson, Christine Jones,
Joel Kadarauch, Sally Kaiser, James Kane, Charles Kaney, Steven Kaney, Steven Kastning, Kenneth Katel, Mark Kennedy, Thomas Kenneke, Thomas Kirchner, Debra Klaus, Terry Kleckner, Michael Kleindl, Gay Knapp, Kathy Knodle, Susan Kohl, Jan Kohler, Toni Krebs, Julie Kriens, Gene Kritsky, Kimber Krueger, Richard Krueger, Anne Kuehl, Margaret Kuehl, Stephen Kuntz, Karen Kutzke,
Robert Lameyer, Rhonda Lamm, Rebecca Landgraf, Chris Larson, Douglas Laux, Robert Lease, Nancy Lehman, Robert Lenz, Patti Lillge, Pamela Linden, Dan Loescher, Charles Lowell, Charlotte Lower, Kristi Ludolph, Gary Luthin, Alan Lutz, Iola Lutz, Raymond Luy,
Denice McGee, Marlene McNair, Abigail Mack, Margaret Madden, Allen Madison, Beatrice Maiava, Michele Manning, Dennis Manus, Richard Marsh, Deborah Martin, Michael Mathews, Jean Mattison, Catherine Meier, Trudy Meier, Jeanine Mellinger, Paul Merck, Jeannette Miller, Melanie Miller, Randy Miller, Joyce Mitchell, Toni Mitchell, Crystal Moore, Carol Morey, Carolyn Morgan, Wendy Moritz, Robert Morton, Marsha Moyer, Richard Murray, Deborah Myers, Terry Myers (d)
Rebecca Naylor, Kathy Nelson, Terri Nelson, Vicki Nelson, Catherine Neu, Bonita Newberry, Arlan Nielsen, Bruce Nielsen, Michael Noble, Kevin Nortridge, Steven Nott,
Jonathan Ocker, Brenda O'Connell, Mark Ohlinger, Edward Olson, Debra O'Neal, Edith O'Neal,
Rosalind Parker, Michael Parks, Patrick Parrett, Patrick Peace, Cecil Pearson, Bebra Pearson, Richard Peck, Cynthia Penwell, Peter Perkins, Phillip Perry, Cynthia Petta, Rosemary Picha, Deborah Pieper, Melody Pieper, Beth Ping, David Pizzolato, Marcia Plambeck, Michelle Plata, Eugene Plum, Margaret Pontius, Barbara Powell,
Randall Rawleigh, Nancy Ray, John Reed, Gloria Regez, Steven Reuber, Margaret Reynolds, Sharon Rhode, John Rice, Barbara Richards, Tamia Riddell, Tracy Roads, William Robertson, Richard Robinson, Daniel Roddewig, Barton Roe, Cynthia Roenneburg, Cynthia Roerig, Roger Rogers, Mark Rosenberger, Steven Rosenwinge, Michael Ross, Dennis Rowland, Alec Ruble, Cathy Runkle, Barbara Ruthe, Janet Rutter, Richard Ryan,
Mary Saar, Kay Sabin, Bonita Sack, Kathleen Sager, Michael Sanders, Michael Saxby, Stephen Schafer, Randy Schasker, Margaret Schaus, Jan Schiesser, Michael Schirmer, Richard Schirmer, Kathy Schleick, Karen Schleiff, Terrence Schlosser, Mary Schmelzer, Debra Schmidt, Alan School, Stephen School, Kathleen Schramm, Richard Schramm, David Schwartz, Diane Schofield, Dorthy Siederman, Dianne Senn, Michael Shade, Ronnie Shaw, Paula Shenberger, Ralph Shipp, Sandra Shores, Robert Short, Kathleen Shuey, Karen Siegmeier, Mark Sisler, Linda Smith, Lynne Smith, Martha Smith, Pamela Smith, Steven Smith, Susan Smith, Terry Smith, Diane Smyth, Nancy Snidtker, Kathryn Spengler, Kathleen Squires, Michael Staben, Victoria Stahr, Judith Stamier, Thelma Stansberry, Pamela Starr, Linda Stearns, Joel Stebbins, Terrence Steenrod, Deborah Steffen, Calvin Stewart, Kim Stewart, Leland Stewart, Linda Stewart, Mary Stoik, Bruce Stone, David Stott, Clarence Allen Stricker, Mary Ellen Sturz, Karl Sutterlin, Phlip Swalve, Brian Swartz,
Joseph Tachl, Jennie Tempel, Suzanne Thomas, Donna Thompson, Timothy Thompson, David Wesly Tibbets, Sandra Tippets, Peter Tkocz, Carol Toelle, Jeffrey Toelle, Elmer Tucker, Rose Ann Tucker, Susan Twyman,
Robert Unger, Candace Urbanec,
Diann Vautsmeier, Marcia Veer, Adrian Vieth, Larry Voss, Debra Vrtol,
Julia Wachter, Mark Waggoner, Gail Wagoner, Steven Walter, Edward Walz, Janette Walz, Edward Weber, James Welt, Joan Wescott, Douglas Wessel, Karen Wheat, Sharon Whitehead, Lynn Wichman, Michael Wiley, Deborah Wilhelms, Gerald Wilson, Mark Winter, Janet Winters, Debra Wirtjes, Kim Wise, Mark Wiskochil, Kendel Witte, James Woitynek, James Wolfe, Jane Woltzen,
Duane Zimmerman, Mary Zimmerman.