![]() Robert
Private classes. |
OMTA & ABMP President of the Oregon Massage Therapists Association 2008-2010 & 2012-2013 |
graduated from Freeport (Illinois) High School. |
help keep
this site free. Buy one of my books, on sale below. All sales go to help support this website. |
Stories, Remarkable
events have happened in Freeport and Stephenson County, Illinois,
and remarkable people have lived there. These are stories gathered
about people and events from 1835 through World War II. |
by Robert Bike ![]() The Bible mentions about 232 plants by name, or closely enough to figure out what plant is meant. Of these, 24 are aromatic plants; that is, parts of the plants can be pressed or distilled to get an essential oil. Essential oils are the lifeblood of plants and have tremendous healing capabilities. The
healing power of plants is the basis for modern medicines.
Originally published in manuscript form in 1999, I completely revised the book and added illustrations. To order
Biblical Aromatherapy in paperback, List price $24.99; introductory offer $19.99 To order the pdf version and download to your computer or phone, The electronic version is only $2.99! |
Carlile, columnist for the Freeport (Illinois) Journal Standard,
featured this website in her column on January 19, 2007. |
Gustason, another columnist for the Freeport Journal Standard,
has featured this website twice. Click to see pdf of articles:
June 29, 2012 November 3, 2012 |
Life Purpose is to inspire my friends |
Robert Bike, LMT, LLC
Thanks to Jim Mertins, Class of 1972, for scanning the 1970 Polaris cover and typing all the names of the Class of 1970!
Gweneth Adams, Joy Alden, Ray Alden, Barbara Alexander, Bonnie Anderson, Douglas Anderson, Mary Armogost, Mark Ascher, Lee Aurand,
Bailey, Michael Barcellona, Donna Bardell, Randall Bardell, Kathy Barth,
William Bear, Vickie Becker, Charles Beckmire, Cheri Belk, Gerald (Jerry)
Bender, Mary Benecke, Norman Bertram, Robert Best, Lee Binkley, Rebekah
Binkley, Bonita Block, John Bobb, John Boettner, Lawrence Boll, Ramona
Boomgarden, Larry Boos, Richard Born, Dennis Bose, Donna Boslough, Brian
Bowen, Russel Bradford, James Brant, Steven Briggs, Cheri Britten, Gregory
Brodnick, Diane Brookman, Dale Brown, Pamela Brown, Timothy Brown, Ronald
Brubaker, Debra Budenz, Sally Buisker, Ronnie Bush, Leslie Buss, John
Stephen Cain, Michael Cali, Katherine Carey, Diane Carpenter, Gary Carr, Steven P. Carroll, Steven R. Carroll, Gail Caruthers, Bonita Casford, John Chamberlin, Barbara Chapman, Karla Christensen, Betsy Clark, Richard Clark, Rhonda Cline, Lawrence Coffey, Clyde Cole, Eugene Collier, Thomas Collier, Kathleen Collins, Timothy Connell, Judith Cuplin, Mark Cuplin, Judeth Currier, Patrick Curry,
Kathleen Dahm, Alice Dash, Candace Davidson, Donald Davis, Andrea DeFrane, Ariane Delessert, James Derenski, Edward Derwent, Michael Diestelmeier, Debra Dikkers, Steven Dikkers, Kathy Dixon, Deborah Dodson, Steven Donmeyer, Patricia Dooley, Wendy Dowling, Steven Downing, Kathy Downs, Norman Dyson, Theresa Dyson,
Eastman, Maureen Ebert, Cheryl Eells, Kenneth Elgin, Douglas Engle, Judith
Engle, Faith Engleman, Ronald Erdmier, Lola Erlich, Gary Evers,
Christine Felder, Bradley Feller, Robert Ferguson, Sally Ferguson, Robert Fish, Terence Fogel, Cynthia Fontana, Kenneth Forrester, Carol Fouke, Gregory Fox, Janet Fransen, Christopher Fye,
Lawrence Gagnon, Terrance Gagnon, Wil Gaitan, Mark Gallegher, Janet Garrett, Camille Gaston, Richard Gill, Janet Gillespie, Courtney Allison Gilmore, William Gimpler, Connie Gingrich, Linda Gitz, John Glascock, Joseph Grant, Karen Goethe, Philip Gorman, Kim Graff, Jerrold Graham, Pamela Gramley, Kay Graves, Jodene Gray, Sylvia Groff, Kay Gross, Robin Groves, Randy Grunder, Nancy Grueneau, Michael Guentherman, Richard Guinther,
Rodney Haas, Teresa Hammond, Diane Harnish, Steven Harnish, Marilyn Halzel, Holly Hasselman, Bradley Heck, James Heilman, Jeff Heinrich, William Heisler, Linda Herbig, Todd Herbig, William Hermsmeier, Darla Hirshbrunner, Lawrence Hess, Karen Hill, David Hille, Robyn Hille, William Hillmer, Debra Hoelscher, Debra Hofmaster, Donald Hofmaster, Jeffrey Holbert, Thomas Holbert, Daniel Holland, Donny Hollins, Nancy Holm, David Homan, Beth Hostetter, Kenneth Hughes, Kerry Hughes, Kim Hughes, Clifton Hunter,
Wilfred Iman,
Jackson, Linda Jackson, Keith Jennings, Victoria Jensen, Jeanne Joesten,
John Johnson, Stewart Johnson, Cindy Jones, Cynthia Jones, Judith Jones,
Tewana Jones,
Janet Kaiser, Gary Kampmeier, Carole Kaney, Joan Karstedt, Debra Kehl, Regina Keith, Diane Kemp, Susan Keppen, James Kerr, Ken Kevern, Bradford Kimes, Mary Ann Kinzig, Kenneth Kjera, William Kline, Tom Kloepping, Robert Klosa, Stephen Knecht, Gregg Knodle, Robert Koenig, Thomas Koertner, Sarah Kohl, Penny Korn, Debra Korn, Kathleen Kraft, Sandra Kraft, Connie Kunkle, Kathy Kutzke,
Linda Lamm, Scott Larson, Kenneth Lawson, Craig LeBaron, Mary LeBlanc, Mary Legwold, Julie Lehman, Dianne Leininger, Michael Leopold, Melody Lewis, Charles Lincoln, Janice Linneman, Michael Liphart, Gary Lizer, Theresa Loewe, Bonnie Loper, Toni Loring, John Loverude, Mary Lownik, Thomas Lubbers, Mary Lybarger, James Lynch,
Blondie Macklin, Deborah Madison, Roger Maines, Susan Mandt, Jill Marchesi, Roger Marcum, Allyson Marks, Sarah Mason, Gary Maves, Cynthia Mayer, Karen McAllister, George McCarty, Jolene McFalls, Karen McGee, Nancy McGregor, Steven Mcllvanie, Susan Mcllvanie, Tim Mcllvanie, Dennis McIntyre, Carol Medler, Robert Meile, Bradley Meier, Glen Meier, Theresa Mellnick, Mary Ellen Meyer, Beth Meyers, Trudy Meyers, Vicki Meyers(d), Peggy Midstokke, Daniel Miller, Dan Miller, David Miller, Pam Miller, Rick Miller, Kathrine Mims, Joanne Mitchell, Tomithy Monigold, Laura Moore, Ronald Moore, John Mudore, Deborah Murley, Linda Murray, Barbara Myers,
Nampel, Carolyn Nelson, Jerry Ness, Jose Juni Neto,Richard Nichol, Steven
Nichols, Norma Nieman,
Suzanne Noormann, Marcia Ohlinger, Vicki Oliver, Stephen Oltmann, Timothy Opel, Stephen Ostergard,
Kathleen Parker, Pamela Parks, Stanford Pash, Barbara Pashby, Cynthia Paulson, Joy Pearson, Linda Peck, Anna Pera, Robert Perrin, Michael Perry, Barry Peterson, Steven Picking, Janice Posean, William Pommerening, Catherine Pontius, Janice Popp, John Portner, Kristine Prasse, Rick Price, Judith Pritikin, Rhonda Pruitt,
Michelle Rasmus, Pamela Rawson, Gregory Ray, Jerry Ray, Joy Ray, Drake Reed, Laurie Reed, Kim Rees, Theresa Rhode, Diana Robbins, Gary Roddewig, Susan Rodermel, Dennis Roe, Becky Roemer, Colleen Roenneburg, Sally Rohr, Craig Rolinger, Linda Rosenstiel, Alan Roth, Johnna Row, Mary Jane Ruckman, Deborah Rupnow, Diana Ruter, Steven Ruthe,
Karen Sager, Richard Sager, Thomas Saxby, Patricia Scheider, Donnie Schoenhard, Joel Scholz, Twyla Schoonhoven, Victoria Schreck, Dean Schroeder, Linda Schroeder, Tom Schubert, Annette Schult, Connie Schweitzer, Judith Scott, Roger Seefeldt, Ellen Seely, Terry Seidemann, Charles Sendecke, Christal Shade, Bernard Shaw, Mary Shepler, Charmaine Shippy, Curtis Shockey, Pamela Shoesmith, Marjorie Sieveking, Carol Silver, Barbara Simmons, Charolotte Stepsky, Elizabeth Smith, Glenn Smith, Morgan Smith, Robin Smith, Roger Smull, Richard Snidtker, Darles Snyder, Scott Spooner, Richard Stamler, Lou Stearns, Helen Kay Steimle, Larry Stewart, Robert Stewart, Cali Stoner, Allen Stricker, Howard Strodtman, Sandy Stroh, Sally Stukenberg,
Taylor, Betty Thomas, Mary Thomas, Barbara Thompson, Jane Thompson, Roger
Thruman, David Tibbets, Gary Timms, Janet Tippetts, Karen Toelle, Craig
Toepfer, Connie Tucker, Vicki Turner,
Kurt Untersee,
Eve Vaterlaus, Becky Vieth, Kurt Voss,
Patricia Wachtel, Sue Wagle, Gary Wales, Dennis Walton, Sally Washburn, Georgia Washington, Dieter Watter, Jean Watz, LaVerne Weber, David Weaver, Mary Weis, Elwyn Wenzel, Marie Wernet, Mary White, George Whitehead, Ricky Wittbecker, Roger Wilhelms, Charles Wilkinson, Deborah Williams, James Willis, Joel Wilson, John Winter, Curtis Winters, Karl Winters, Harold Wirtjes, John Wise, Michael Wolfe, John Wonder, Ruth Woo, Nancy Worrall, Ressie Wright, Roger Wurtzel,
Randall Yoder, David Young,
Lynn Zimmerman, Mark Zimmerman, Ruth Zink, Jan Zinzer.
Anderson (1952-2007) worked for the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration
for 28 years, where he received recognition for research. During his career
he traveled around the world, including Australia, Iceland, Brazil, Chile
and South Africa. In 1986, Doug was awarded the Gold Medal, NOAA's highest
honor, for his heroic efforts along with two others in risking their lives
in preventing a shipmate and colleague from drowning. This act of heroism
occurred in the presence of a rip current created by horrendous surf.